what do i do with my kids week 2018
/what a fun week it was. i made sure to keep our crumb snatchers entertained every single day.
Read Morewhat a fun week it was. i made sure to keep our crumb snatchers entertained every single day.
Read Moreyou may have seen this tunic a couple of times over the years! it's one of my faves and it has officially been deemed...the belly blouse! or tummy tunic, or whatevs :) i realized as i put it on i have worn this thing for all 3 pregnancies. i have found some timeless pieces from Urban Outfitters over this years and this one of them. i was 17 weeks along that day!
the day before Dego's birthday, i took both boys to get their physicals and vaccinations outta the way for the summer.
this kid. a clinic employee was walking by as we waited to be called and Chiso greeted him with the cheeriest, 'hello!' and a smile. Dego imitates almost everything Chiso does these days and that time was no different. the guy smiled right back and said, "this is what you get when you smile and say hello, boys-- " and he held up his pointer finger and disappeared into a into a nearby room. he came back out and gave them both sun shades and frisbees. how thoughtful!
"waiting" for their pediatrician.
yeah, he had the right idea...
cause this was next. i know moms feel me when i say this NEVER gets any easier, sheesh. i made sure to let the nurse helping me hold Dego down that he was craaaazy strong; she held his legs while i held his little balled up fists. we got through it again.... but ugh.
breathing treatment for the big boy! he has been dealing with a 'wet' cough as of late, and the treatment definitely helped lessen it's intensity after just 5 minutes. we will keep the treatments going at home until this thing is completely gone. prayers please!
the next day was Dego's birthday!!!! :( why the sad face? friends, i made a HUGE rookie mom move, even though i'm 2.5 kids into this motherhood game. i totally should have waited til' the day after Dego's birthday to have his shots done. his pedi warned that fever and soreness might strike, but i figured after a nap, a dose or two of pain meds, and a good nights sleep he would be back to normal by the next morning. my little Dego was so not himself from the moment he woke up. i felt teeeeeerrible and wondered how i could have been so dumb! he wanted to be carried everywhere (in the house) and again he was not his normal, smiling, silly, playful, talkative self. moms, no vaccinations before any major events or holidays if you can help it. you just never know how they will react, so don't risk it. we planned on celebrating and enjoying his birthday at a new waterpark that opened up on the west side of town, Typhoon Texas! but those plans were crapped and postponed immediately. after a few naps and a few more rounds of pain meds, he was in a better mood by that evening, yay! so, i whipped out his Whole Foods mini berry chantilly cake,
(thanks for the card, Grannie & Grampa),
and we sang to him as he smiled!
he smiled. seeing him smile again made my heart fill with complete joy. it was the highlight of my day.
papa's turn!
then we got dressed and went to find Dory in 3D.
i need a root canal but i HAD to try some, lol! happy 2nd birthday to our Dego....we love you! Typhoon Texas, we're still comin' for ya.
flashbacks: Dego's 1st mini bday party
priorities ;) ! after teaching my early morning Barbell Strength class, i sped over to Whole Foods Market and picked up a birthday cake for Sonny!
eeeerrrrrmygash! it was a gorgeous, layered vanilla cake on the inside. italian cream icing. almonds. sugar infused strawberries.
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happy birthday, papa!!! from your little minions <3 i found the boy's shirts @ Target.
i told Sonny to get up and get dressed, pack an overnight bag, and to make it snappy. a kid-free trip is what i had planned, but after my sitters and backup sitters fell through we ended up bringing the boys!
1st thing on my agenda-- FOOD. we headed to lunch and i totally did my research on this place beforehand. Sonny wanted to stay as close to his meal plan as possible but enjoy his special day, and boy did we! Jerry Built takes pride in their all natural, organic, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, grass-fed chicken and beef, they don't use trans fat or hydrogenated oils, and the produce is organic and/or local.
they get brownie points from me for presenting the food just like it's displayed on the menu and online! Sonny got the super tasty Saint Arnold burger on a baked, toasted, whole wheat bun, and swapped out the french fries for a caesar salad.
i ordered this beauty-- Jerry's Cobb. the cashier asked me immediately, 'and would you like to add grilled chicken?' which is what i planned to do. i guess that is a popular menu combo there. yall, the flavors in this thing were POPPIN'!
Chiso was very happy with his nitrate-free, angus beef hotdog, fries, and chocolate milk.
there was a giant, kid friendly chalk board towards the front of the room that Chiso wanted to leave his mark on. way cool!
neeeeext, we hit the road.
40 minutes later we arrived on Galveston Island, but not before stopping by Kroger to get baby Dego some baby Ambesol! about halfway to G-town, he let out a cry both Sonny & i had never heard before. he was in so much pain from teething and i am honestly glad the kids were with us at that point.
after some Abesol, a diaper change, and some nursing, he did a complete 180. whew.
this pic is hilarious to me because my face looked like the minion's face on the drive there, haha!
our view from the San Louis Resort! i sent Sonny to the spa for his pedicure while the boys and i relaxed and did a Periscope vid. i've been saving them via katch.me for the past few days so they aren't gone forever anymore. kinda glad the first few vids i did are though lol.
after he finished, we hit the beach. but not before grabbing something to eat downstairs at Grotto. i had plans for a nice dinner later that evening but no way we could have waited that long to eat. hunger attitudes kill good vibes every time.
Chiso was beyond excited for his first time at the beach!
i cannot WAIT to see his reaction when we go to Disney World, then!
he told me his favorite part of the day was this moment right here...making sand castles with papa.
we took a dip in the hotel pool on the way back to our room.
afterwards, we changed and got ready for dinner. we traveled about 12 minutes away from our hotel to Rudy & Paco. it was an excellent suggestion by my sister-in-law Kara! birthday boy got steak and spinach, i got the salmon & sautéed sugar-snap peas, and from the 'off the menu' kids menu, Chiso requested a grilled cheese sammich and fries.
the owner was extremely warm, welcoming, and stopped by to chat with us and to wish Sonny a happy birthday.
back to z hotel! 12 minutes away and everybody was asleep when i pulled up to the valet. we're familiar with co-sleeping at home now and then, so 4 in 1 bed was nothing new. we got up the next morning, checked out, and headed to breakfast at IHOP.
this boy ate good the entire trip, right!?
sampler platter for Sonny,
and i stuck to IHOP's Simple & Fit selections which were all under 600 calories. how can you make healthier choices while dining at IHOP? here are some of my tips:
if you didn't katch our Periscope vid explaining some of the above info, watch it here.
thanks for reading and HAAAY MONDAY!
in addition to solids 2 or 3 times a day, Dego is still requesting the breast 3 times (or more) a day as well. so yep, breastfeeding is still in full swing over here. my trainer reminded me that nursing is just like mini workout sessions, which is such an awesome analogy. breastfeeding has become so routine i have to stop and wonder WHY i'm so hungry in between meals sometimes! eating more food to keep up with his demands and to keep my supply strong has never been a problem though; i certainly don't mind, haha! s/n: i should make Chiso park his bike in the garage from now on, wow. sometimes you don't see things in the background until after you take (and post) a pic. whoops. anyway, i trained a 6 Pack USA client of ours after heading out that day, then hit my gym for some HIIT.
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i've done these two moves separately before, but never together. i'm definitely incorporating this one into my TCX (Total Conditioning Extreme) class!
sooooo, my brother was supposed to hop back on a plane headed to Afghanistan this past saturday (to finish up the last of his contract) but he chose not to. WOO friggin' HOO. it is finished!
we had a small family lunch the day before he was supposed to leave with Sonny's younger brother and wife (who is having her first mini me! it's a girl!)! i admire his decision to stay and i'm elated he will be around to watch his 2nd nephew take his first steps.
we had a birthday party to attend saturday evening! no surprise there! they have become our new normal. i sat in the back seat a lot with my first-born for obvious reasons, but i admit, i have bouts of second child syndrome with Dego every now and then. hadn't been back there in a while, so it was fun hanging out with him on the way to see The Rat.
even did a mini vlog:
[wpvideo JcW1AYGy]
we made eeeeet!
pizza, cake, games, tokens, tickets, kids running around screaming, playing, crying... you know the drill! Happy 3rd Birthday, Bria! Sonny went to high school with Bria's father, Mike, and coincidentally, i went to elementary and middle school with his wife, Tashone, on the opposite side of town. small world.
City Centre Gap was having a fantabulous 40% off sale this weekend, so i found this cute grey dress on the final sale rack! i know it's too big but i couldn't pass up the 20 buck price. my IG friend Alisa suggested i belt it. i agree. i suck at accessorizing. i have been asked about my sandles a lot too- they are like 3 or 4 years old and from Urban Outfitters. one of my fave pairs! can't wear them without a fresh pedi though. Dego's fit is from Baby Gap; there's a camera icon on the front that says 'smile' underneath it. 4 bucks! #HammyMcHamster
Chiso doesn't eat the crusts of his pizza slices (did this child really come from me?!) so i took care of them for him lol. other than that, no pizza and cake for this girl. i was speaking to a 6 Pack USA client of ours recently about celebrating the small, daily victories during our ongoing fitness journeys. she said she went to a get together recently that had WINGS (her fave), cake, and all kinds of good ol' party food, but she stuck to her guns and did not deviate from her meal plan. she said she didn't even drink the water there lol!!!! BRAVO, Reshema! i get it though. i've been there. i usually eat way more than i plan to in social settings cause usually there is such an abundance of food. but whenever i pass (cause we always have a choice, right?) or at least exercise some moderation instead of going crazy, i walk outta there feeling like a BOSS. a disciplined boss. and my tummy always appreciates it later. no bloating, no sugar cravings. we stopped by Whole Foods on the way home and i hit up the hot bar for my dinner. lean grilled herbed chicken, roasted bell peppers, artichokes, and lima beans agreed waaaaay more with my tummy than that pizza and cake would have. take it one day at a time, y'all, and those small victories DO count! may they propel you to keep going and making healthier choices.
we moved right on along to carrots today in the homemade baby food chronicles!
i switch new foods every 4 days or so to give any allergic reactions time to reveal themselves. we'll see what happens. i just eyeballed and simmered raw carrots + cinnamon + water until tender then puree in the Ninja. carrots are naturally sweet like sweet potatoes so they don't need any extra sugar! they also:
my eyesight has been terrible for as long as i can remember. i've worn glasses since elementary school and only need them to see far distances and to drive. i pray the boys get Sonny's eyesight cause i am pretty much legally blind! i hope they get his teeth too cause i went through braces, a head-gear, a retainer...the whole 9. i'd love to get Invisialign as they are shifting again from not wearing my retainer years ago. i was so happy to be DONE with all that stuff i didn't care. but now i do. that's how it goes!
so far so good!
i've been doing solo dates once a week with Chiso for a while now and today i took him downtown to the GRB for the Chevron Houston Marathon EXPO! i registered for the 5k while i was there and ran right into my Sorority sister and fitness expert, Crystal! she was there to do the same thing.
only she was using the 5k for her warmup for the marathon on sunday! superwoman status! I will be running along side her in a marathon one day, mark my words! i have yet to do my very first full marathon, but my goal is to do a half mar sometime this year.
i can't wait until this guy can keep up and run alongside me. i plan to put him in his first 1k this year and i am SO excited to watch him run across his first finish line.
we walked around and visited the booths for a little while, ate Cliff Bar samples, and eventually made our way to the 'I RUN HOU BECAUSE....' wall. i gave Chiso the marker and he started drawing shapes :D. then i asked him, 'why do you like to run, Chiso?' and he simply looked at me and replied 'because i do.'
i didn't even ask him to explain! this time.
pose for the frame! neat idea!
then we went to Whole Foods for lunch. we discussed his new friends in the child care center at our gym and also sports he would like to try this year. 3 is still tougher than 2 in my opinion but it has its highlights like all ages i'm sure! i'm loving our discussions these days. pepperoni pizza for Chi,
spring mix salad with pomegranate vinaigrette,
and a few scoops of the hot bar items for me which included: chicken fajitas w/ peppers & onions, hoke (white fish), cilantro-lime rice, and a scoop of spinach/mushroom enchiladas- they looked too good not to try! the enchilada pan was pretty much empty and i saw why. YUM.
i got my race stuff ready as soon as i got home! the ABB 5k shirts matched my shoes this year, how cool is that? bib #55808 is ready to RUN! that said,
and blogging of course! have a relaxing friday night, friends!
fit foodie le is committed to living a healthy lifestyle and showing you how to do the same. see just how great your body is designed to feel through physical activity and eating well. we are obsessed with dairy-free recipes and taking care of yourself, inside and out.