34 Week Checkup
/i had every intention to get dolled up for today's appointment buuuut i ended up following Dego's lead. we just want to be comfy. lol. we did wear pants though. seriously, i plan to put more effort into my appearance these last few visits cause it makes me feel darn good when i take the time to do so. i don't shy away from posting on social when i look a hot mess either though...i'm not ashamed of my reality on the other 5-6 days of the week. i use the #RealityIG hashtag often cause perfection is not inspiring to me, authenticity is!
it's weekly appointment visits from here on out yall. already! (i say already like the time has been flying by this trimester, ha). now is also around the time i get the, "your baby is gonna be so tiny!!" comments the most. brang'em on! i know most women mean well (although some directly imply that something is very wrong with me or baby :- | ) , so i always give them the benefit of the doubt. i'm measuring 35 cms for week 34 according to my OB so all is well, praise be to God. sometimes people either forget or can't tell from my pics that i'm 5' 10'', but height is only one of the maaaany factors that contribute to bump size. that's a whole nother blog post tho! the night before my appointment i could totally feel something happening and i got super uncomfy again right before bed... this baby has flipped into a horizontal position again. the nerve!! we've still got time to get it together though. my last ultrasound happens on my next visit; can't wait.
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="http://fitfoodiele.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/20161019_124758.mp4"][/video]
Dego and i were pleasantly surprised during my visit; my Instagram Husband walked right through the door, smiling! so naturally i put him to work, duuuuuh. now i'm gonna go do all the stuff i told my OB i haven't done yet when she asked. you know, re-registering for the hospital, packing my overnight bag, taking maternity pics, dusting off the newborn car seat, naming the baby, etc. mhmm. k. bye.
K E E P U P W I T H U S !