bell pepper baby status!

1 week away from being halfway there!? man. seems like after the 1st tri passed time really took off. i have SO much i want to get done and now that i feel like going hard again (k, not too hard!) and accomplishing some long-term goals with Fit Foodie Le, LLC that's what's on my agenda.
i got up early before the house woke up to get in some cardio and yoga, but the yoga class started later than i expected, dang. i can't walk past a dumbbell without picking it up sooooo,
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i did a few moves from my prenatal workout plans including this one that targets your glutes, one at a time. it also challenges your balance, which works your core! try it with or without a dumbbell and remember:
keep your knee behind your toes at all times.
sink down into the heel of the leg you're working to really activate your glute and hamstring.
keep a flat back during the entire move. workout how you'd like to look. nobody wants to walk around with terrible posture, right!? that always reminds me to fix my form.
current 2nd tri woes:
most times i wake up these days, my hands, wrists, or even my entire arm(s) are numb and tingling and i have to lay there and wiggle my fingers like a mad woman until it goes away. so annoying! ever since Father's Day, i've felt way more fetal movement, my tummy is popping out a lil' bit more, my breasts are sore/swollen more often, and my areola have darkened. growth spurt! i read that the numbness has to do carpal tunnel syndrome from the swelling that compresses the nerves in my wrists. it tends to get worse as the pregnancy progresses. great! lol. i could probably cut back on my salt and up my water a bit more to help fight the swelling and that's what i plan to do.
for the 4th, i baked up some lemon pepper, Weber Garlic Sriracha, and BBQ sockeye salmon,
and grilled up some colossal BBQ shrimp.
we hit up HEB after church the day before and it was a maaad house! sample stations every couple of feet and people everywhere getting ready to party. both the salmon and shrimp were on sale for 7 bucks and some change per lb; what a sale!
Chiso and i had a lil' too much fun on snap chat during our samples shopping trip (add us! fitfoodiele):
my bump gets me extra samples, weeeeee
that ice cream concluded our sample fest!
i also grilled up some corn and lean, ranch turkey sliders with homemade guac cause Chiso requested burgers with his fireworks! i really wanted some baked beans but by the time i finished all that i was TOAST and ready to sit down. in addition to meal prepping for our 6 Pack USA clients and my postpartum moms, i am learning how to seriously get IN and OUT of the kitchen quicker by the day. shortcuts are everything when it comes to meal prep! else you could spend way more time than you need in the kitchen and i don't have any to spare. don't give up on meal prep and stay consistent. it will soon become second nature to you.
our brothers and sisters came over with their kids and all the little cousins had a blast eating brownies and dodging watching fireworks. good times!
Q: what was the highlight of your 4th of july?
K E E P U P W I T H U S !