baby mama


happy hump day! i'd love to shine the spotlight on someone vital to my motherhood journeys as well as my Christian walk. remember my confession post, In Love With Lean, from about 6 months ago? weeeeeell,

this pretty young thang is one of the good friends i was referring to... my BM, Marguerite!

(i.e., Baby Mama, as we affectionately call each other.)

 through my infertility struggles with both pregnancies, Marguerite helped me cope with having to 'sit down somewhere' from all the excessive exercising i was doing in the most loving way possible. lol. she has a masters in counseling because it's clearly what she was born to do!  we met at UH, were even roommies for a semester, and continued to keep in touch after graduation.  she prayed and fasted with and for me during those times, and i received her advice and words wholeheartedly because i knew they were from the Lord. fasting solo (and usually for your own personal issues) is physically and mentally difficult enough.   but to care for another friend so much (i'm not talking about your spouse, mom, dad, siblings, etc.) that you sacrifice yourself and go to the Lord on their behalf... i am utterly thankful God put her in my life.  i'm also grateful she was willing to let Him use her in the first place!  being obedient to God's commands and tasks can be uncomfortable and downright hard.  it can often make relationships difficult, very awkward...or even eventually non-existent. but you must do what He tells you to do... His way.  it's about His glory, never us.

we were preggo together for both of our children, however, she is chunking me the deuce for babies #3 and 4, hahaha! i'm on my own now, but i know she'll be with me in spirit.


i was almost 9 months along and she was about 6 when we met up for our BM prenatal massages and lunch back in 2011. we worked out (walked on the treadmills), hung out and talked about baby stuff, and ate good of course. boobs and bellies everywhere!


we were gettin' our Red Lobster on for lunch in this throwback pic,


and a few months ago we met up for brunch at Le Peep before heading to get our massages. i was 8 months along and she was right behind me again at almost 6!  because my birthday had recently passed, she told me my massage was on her.  what a sweet, sweet surprise and a testament to her character.

aaand of course we attended each other's baby showers!


i've had so much fun sharing blessings and making memories with this girl.


she came to spend some quality time with Odego and i at the hospital back in June, and i was recently blessed to return the favor because her sweet baby girl, Callie Marie, is already HERE! today is actually Callie's due date and i am elated she is safely in her mama's arms and in the comfort of their own home.


she's perfect. and PINK:) i'm looking forward to all the girlie advice Marguerite will pass my way because i'll need it :) .

i just want to give a sincere congrats to the blessed Hairstons who are now a family of four!  thank you, BM, for simply being the sister you were called to be. i appreciate you. <3


40 weeks preggo + Lemon Pepper Shrimp Scampi Spaghetti Squash

 glory to God! we made it! 40 weeks in the bag.PhotoGrid_1402620251228

wednesday i had (what i hope to be) my very last routine check up with my OB before meeting Odego.

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did some reading to pass the time in the waiting area and my eyes were immediately drawn to "why it's OK to get an epidural" after picking up this magazine, lol.  this birth plan is the same as my first... to give it my best shot  naturally, and call for the epi if i need it. God has already gone before me and everything is in His hands. everything.


i love that my OB involves Chiso somehow at every visit.  especially when i forget to bring his ipad!  i just love her to pieces and thank God for connecting us.  according to Chi's calculations, my belly is currently measuring at 39.7 cms (the number your belly measures in cms usually corresponds with your current week, fyi).  pretty happy to have progressed to 2 cms dilated without feeling a thing at that.  well, what i HAVE felt has not been painful at all, rather.


so i left my appointment with JUST enough time to hit the gym for one last TKB (turbo kickboxing) class!!! i also just wanted to tell the best kickboxing instructor i know that i'd be seeing her in a few weeks, or whenever i'm cleared to come back.


i started that day with lean turkey sausage, 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites, the last of a ripe avocado, all over  a sweet potato hash i could have sworn i had already added  to my blog, sorry guys!! here are the ingredients i sautéed in my no stick skillet with 1 tbsp coconut oil:

  • 1 small peeled/cubed sweet potato (microwave for 1 min first to make it easier to chop)
  • 1 yelllow oinion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup cubed zucchini
  • 1/4 cup cubed yellow squash
  • 1/2 cup  cubed red bell pepper
  • red pepper flakes
  • sea salt (i used liquid aminos) & pepper
  • fresh chopped cilantro

and i scarfed down those rotisserie chicken breast deli sammiches on Sara Lee whole wheat 45 calories & delightful bread and raw carrots after the TKB class.


here's dinner from tonight with the recipe as promised:

Lemon Pepper Shrimp Scampi Spaghetti Squash

the stuff:

  • 1 lb raw, de-veined, shelled shrimp
  • 1 roasted small - medium spaghetti squash  ( i throw the whole thing in my oven on 375 for 45 min)
  • 1/2 cup whole grape tomatoes
  • 1 cup chopped red bell pepper (optional)
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp or more lemon pepper seasoning
  • cracked black pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 lemon

do this:

  1. heat a large wok to med-high heat and add 1 tbsp olive oil.
  2. add 2 tbsp garlic and stir constantly so it doesn't burn for about 2 minutes; add shrimp.
  3. season shrimp with 1 tbsp lemon pepper seasoning and black pepper; remove from wok and set aside.
  4. add in another tbsp olive oil and the remaining 2 tbsp of garlic; cook for about 1 minute.
  5. add bell pepper if wanted at this point and let it cook/soften for 2 minutes. if no bell pepper, just add cooked spaghetti squash into wok along with another tbsp or two of lemon pepper seasoning and black pepper. mix well.
  6. halve the grape tomatoes then add them to your wok along with the cooked shrimp and cilantro; mix very well.
  7. squeeze the fresh lemon over the top of everything and serve!


nutritional stats coming right up, asap. as for now, the baby waiting game continues!  have a safe, fun, friday night :)


oatmeal chocolate chip birthday cakes!!! - bday post

this year, my birthday fell on a monday. YIPPEEEEE :?

so Sonny started celebrating early (like i had hoped).  immediately after church service, we went to get our rings cleaned.

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i promise we're only in our thirties. lol.  Chiso saw us placing our hands strategically on the display case for this pic and wanted part of the action.

over time, i have come to the realization that i'm a hint thrower.  what a lucky guy Sonny is.  rarely does one go over his head though, i gotta give it to him.  i forwarded him a Ruggles Green brunch email i received a few weeks earlier, you know, randomly.  high-five, Sonny.  high-five.


so that was our next stop.  only the Heights location serves breakfast / brunch in Houston, and i had been eager to check it out for months.  i chose the delish crab & avocado omelette and Sonny played it safe with the breakfast plate (sausage, pancakes, eggs, potatoes).  Chiso handled up on his turkey sausage, scrambled eggs, and pancakes too.  we love us some eggs.

the next day, my actual birthday, Sonny got up and rushed off to work like normal, so i hit the gym early, like normal.

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but not before making this gorgeous stack of oatmeal pancakes! with the start of my cooking classes, blogging took a small backseat. obvi. but i believe i have a routine going now with my schedule. *crosses fingers, toes, and eyes*.  here's that recipe:

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Pancakes 

the stuff: (source)

  • 3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/4 cup dry rolled oats
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (add more if needed- you be the thickness judge)
  • 2 packets granulated stevia
  • 1 tbsp agave nectar or honey (optional)
  • dash of sea salt
  • 1 tbsp melted coconut oil
  • handful of dark chocolate chips

do this:

  1. mix all ingredients except chocolate chips together in a large mixing bowl.
  2. if ya need more almond milk at this point, add it a tbsp at a time.
  3. heat your griddle or cast iron / no-stick skillet to medium heat and coat with no-stick cooking spray.
  4. spoon the cakes onto your cooking device as large or as small as you'd like them.  when bubbles start to form on top, check the bottom of the cake to see how brown it is first before flipping.
  5. you're looking for a golden brown color (bout 2-4 minutes).
  6. eat'em up. sprinkles are optional but mandatory if it's your birthday.

or, you can do blueberries instead of chocolate chips!


 back to the birthday festivities.

little did i know that Sonny went right down the street to his mom's house to hide out.


i took a Barbell Strength class and worked my back a little more on my own in addition to some steady-state cardio on the elliptical. suddenly, i got a 'lunch?' text from Sonny, so i said 'screw this!' and sped home to get cleaned up.


 i opened the door and walked right into .. Sonny!?, fit gifts, and cake.


and a birthday song serenade from my boys!


 just one small piece before lunch.

   Sonny shocked our palettes and drove us to an Indian inspired restaurant in Upper Kirby called Ponidicheri.  he didn't know it was 'meatless monday' though lol. tasty  nonetheless and i appreciate the experience.

20140407_134832_1i got the Saag Paneer Omelette, Barley Salad, a piece of gluten-free, millet Roti, and one of their fresh, housemade juices, the Hari.


 Sonny got an omelette too.  They didn't really have a kids menu, but the guy taking orders suggested this concoction.  can you guess which two Chiso ate? yep, the fries and the Elephant Cookie.

i got a birthday nap back at home (YAAAAAY for daytime sleep) and we went back out for dinner that evening.  i was actually still full from lunch but went anyway just cause it was my bday and already on the agenda.

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my cups runneth over :shock: ! literally and figuratively.  we concluded the evening with Italian food and Neapolitan gelato from Sapore Ristorante, right in our own backyard.  which was awesome cause i had to be up at 4:15am  to teach my class the next day.

i feel like i'm at the age where i forget what i'm even turning and that my birthday is even coming up.  thankful to God for another year though, no doubt, and for Sonny's impeccable planning skills year after year.

THANK YOU to my family and friends for the calls, texts, cards, gifts, and birthday wishes!!!!!!

and thank you for reading.


Banana Pecan Chocolate Chunk Muffins

how was your monday?

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the 'monday blues' do not exist!  Mondays only suck if you let them- accept what you can't change and change what you can't accept.


 whether it's your career, your relationships, or even something you want to change within yourself, start by making a CONSCIOUS effort to be positive with your actions, expressions, and words.  positivity breeds positivity. don't dwell on the negative and what went wrong.  break the habit.  talk about your joys and count your blessings!  and if what went wrong is worth it, fix it, but keep building and focusing on the NEW.

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i finally started the online defensive driving course (gag) task i've been putting off since i got the ticket back in july.  i thought that horrible procrastination habit was supposed to fade out as you got older, i mean really.  during one of my countless mini breaks i went and made some of the best homemade muffins i've had....ever. look!

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Banana Pecan Chocolate Chunk Muffins (source)

the stuff:

  • 6 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 cup coconut crystals
  • 1 cup 2% greek yogurt
  • 3 small RIPE bananas
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chunks
  • 1/2 cup pecan pieces

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do this:

  1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. mix the wet ingredients with the wet, and the dry with the dry.
  3. combine all together in a large mixing bowl
  4. fold in chocolate chunks and pecans last
  5. spray muffin pan with no-stick cooking spray
  6. bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown

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macros for 1 regular muffin (makes 24):

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 macros for 1 mini muffin (makes 36):

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30 minutes of defensive driving down, 5.5 hours to go. welp, goodnight. :lol:
