i heard reports that it was supposed to rain like 100% all weekend, but luckily it did NOT!
i went into the boy's room around 545 am to give Dego a nursing session so he'd be good for a few hours. afterwards, i attempted to wake Chiso up and of course he was super groggy and wondered why i was interrupting his precious sleep cause clearly it was not time to get up! 'mama what are you doing? go back to bed, it's still night time.'

we eventually made it downstairs for breakfast to fuel up. i had two slices of whole wheat toast with PB2 and all natural strawberry preserves, and a tall, hot mug of 1/2 caff. Chiso requested waffles and turkey sausage and killed his plate. he was so excited at that point and ready to GO!

i couldn't get my life together and completely forgot about packet pickup last week! so, we got our bibs once we got there. here's my race day fit that i set out the night before. i brought my Old Faithfuls (seasoned Nike Free Runs) to wear just in case it rained cause uuhhhhh, #DoWhatYouDoButWatchMyShoesMotherNature

these babies have been getting a ton of love and i understand why! we got them from the Nike Outlet on my birthday this past Tuesday. they are FlyKnit 4.0 Nike Free Runs. i should shave soon.
isn't this the coolest sweater!? when i first saw it on the hanger in H & M i was like ok..... are you hot? are you cold? what? pick one!!! but this morning's weather was perfect for it. i even went back and copped it in mint; it's so Springy! this was the last black one on the rack and it was a small..but i had to have it. Dego was fussy while i was taking these so i paused to scoop him up. at least we matched!
sweater: H & M
tank: Nike
crops: Nike (NIke Outlet)
shoes: Nike Free Runs 4.0 FlyKnit (Nike Outlet)

lets do thissss! my 10k was up first, so Chi waited patiently with his uncle until i was done.
i'm guessing i finished around 54 minutes or so, but under 1 hour was my goal! my race sorta went like this:
mile 1: feelin' good, pumped, light on my feet, music jammin'
mile 2: feelin' great and still passing people left and right
mile 3: this is stupid
mile 4: why did i sign up for this? this song sucks
mile 5: the faster i run the faster i finish *scrolls to Chandelier by Sia for motivation*
mile 6: time to pick up the pace!!!!!!!

'is it my turn to run yet mommy?!?!?'

yep, right after mama gets these post-race snacks. i've never heard of Level Bars but i got one of every flavor to try, some Kind Bars, a banana, some wata, and

some scrumptious muffins from Corner Bakery Cafe.

then we headed back to the start line to tackle the 1k.

and we're off!
Chiso kept saying, "Iron Man Super Sonic Speeeeeed!" and shooting both his arms back behind him while we ran, LMBO.

boys are so fun and funny. you can see him doing it in the video below. press play!
[wpvideo GcB2B5xs]

framing this one. so proud of this little boy for finishing strong and earning his medal.

i couldn't even get outta the parking lot good before he was out like a light.

i finally got a chance to take a good look at this year's finisher shirt once we got home! virutal goody bags were done this year too. 
and now i'm finishing up this post and splitting this tasty Level bar with Sonny. have you tried them?
happy weekend!