hearty turkey casserole + fit foodie lean legs workout

while i was away at the BE Conference (that post is in the works), my FITzee Foods orders came in!  thankfully Sonny only got to one meal before i got my hands on them :x.  i now have a new favorite to add to my list i wanted to share with ya:

Mom's Hearty Turkey Casserole


layers of sautéed vegetables, lean ground turkey, rich tomato sauce, and mashed yams all baked to perfection and sprinkled with mozzarella cheese!   low carb and gluten-free.  it was the first meal i cracked open and it reminded me of a healthified shepherd's pie.  this experience was over way too fast.

*stats: 353 cals, 16g fat, 20g carbs, 5g fiber, 29g protein*

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then i hit the gym to combat the massive amount of sugar i ate over the weekend :shock:

i created that lean leg routine up there while using the limited hotel gym at the conference, and did it again that day.    grab two dumbbells (preferably 10's or higher) and a sturdy wall to lean on for the wall sits and have at it.  3-5 times through, no breaks!


i couldn't decide which bar to eat for my post workout snack so i ate both!!!! kidding, i had the apples 'n oats, my fave.


afterwards, PWO grocery shopping.  which is always a bad idea for me.  i can never wait until i get home to open something up.  you can eat them in the car. you can eat them on a chair. you can eat them ANYWHERE.  get those greens in :)

the FITzee Food's menu changes frequently because they use local, seasonal and natural ingredients.  make sure to keep checking the online menu to see the latest and greatest culinary delights – they just might become your new favorite.

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in those defeated moments, think back to why you even started your journey in the first place.

then keep going, friends!!!

 FITzee Food questions? email me directly at le@fitfoodiele.com.  to order your healthy meals, go check out the September menu- October is upon us! 


1st lululemon product review!!


HOT french toast for Chi this morning, oat bran  banana pancakes for me!  and egg whites. you know the drill.

i didn't measure for the french toast, but i used whole wheat bread dipped in a mixture of egg whites, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, cinnamon, pure vanilla, and vanilla creme stevia.  i topped it with some Walden Farms pancake syrup. Chiso is still in love with bananas and eats a whole one for breakfast every morning, so he can lick his syrupy fingers all he wants since it's sugar-free!

for lunch, i got fancy with something i make at least 4 times a week cause it's so QUICK. and i need quick these days.


 egg whites, wild tuna, cucumbers, and tomato on some wheat toast with a dollop of guacamustard (avocado and coarse ground mustard whipped into a mousse) and sprinkled with some no-salt Mrs. Dash fiesta lime seasoning.  you don't have to make a tuna tower too, but it's FUN! right!?


i'm no trained chef, yall! yeah right!  yall better stop emailing me with those 'i can't do all that' messages!!! first off, you can, and second, who said you had to!? i do this for kicks cause it makes me happy. ok and to impress Sonny.  ultimately though, it also contributes to the fact that wholesome, healthy, nutritious food can taste as great as it looks.  presentation is important to me, but above all else, eat what's good for you, first.


SO, thank youuuuuu for your emails and questions!!!  i will continue to do my very best to respond in a timely manner, and even answer some of them in my posts.  how bout i do that right now!

Q: are you a PT (personal trainer)?

 A: no, guys! i'm a group fitness instructor!  a PT is something i've considered in the past and it's just not for me...'officially' anyway, lol!  i am certainly not opposed to the one-on-one thing, but the energy of a riled up group of athletes, the loud music, the microphone...yeah the combo of all that is what i live for.  i am in complete love with teaching classes for 24 Hour Fitness and Lifetime,  however, i do have intentions of teaching local classes (bootcamp, abs, TKB), in due time.





pop some squizats!

one of the many lower body exercises you can do for toned, strong, defined, glutes(butt), hamstrings(back of your legs), and quadriceps(front/top of your legs).


  • lift your toes in your shoes and press your heels into the floor
  • have an actual seat- like you're about to sit in a chair
  • keep your knees behind your toes even at the lowest point of your squat
  • back flat, chest up, abs in, head up!
  • your stance determines which part of the legs you work, so switch it up often to target and work more angles (narrow stance, shoulder width stance, wide stance)
  • inhale down, exhale up
  • if your knees cave in toward each other as you squat, the weight is too heavy. proper form first.  always.
  • you can hold heavy dumbbells down to your sides, you can sit the dumbbells on your shoulders (my personal fave), use a weighted barbell across the meaty part of your shoulders, or use no weight at all!

 i am THRILLED to now be apart of lululemon's r & d (research and development) team, whoop, whoop!  i want to be apart of ALL THINGS LULU!!! no, this does not mean that i am employed by lululemon- it means that as an instructor, my feedback concerning lululemon products is valued and considered.  well i have A LOT of that to spare and share ;)

 before i get to new items, i'm gonna start my first product review with some things i wear constantly as you can prolly tell via Instagram!  i'm currently working on a new section on my blog that i will dedicate to *drum roll* product reviews! it'll be composed of healthy food products i eat and use in my own recipes, as well as fitness related gear that i wear, use, and support. sooooo, here we go:

lululemon grey and black Wunder Under Pant (WU's 2012) - 82.00$


  • second-skin fit - feels like next to nothing, literally!
  • four-way stretch
  • designed for yoga, gym, to-and-fro, extremely versatile
  • stylish!


  • secret waist pocket (keys, cards, small items, etc.)
  • wide soft waistband for comfort and eliminating muffin top


  • light-weight, comfy, moveable, breathable fabric no matter what type of exercise you are doing
  • the contours and embellishments contribute to a longer, leaner appearance <----my FAVE!

it never fails- every time i wear them out, people really dig the back of these pants, and i did too! which is what sold me on 'em.  and can i just say i take 'to-and-fro' to a whole new level.  gym or not, i slip them on and GO! highly recommended!

do you own a pair?


happy fit & clean 2013!


 well, it's here. the new year is underway.... i'm just happy and grateful to be here. soon as i opened my eyes today i made a Facebook status that said  'if you woke up this morning, you were SUPPOSED TO!! thank God! now, go and be YOU.' i'm excited and so ready to live His purpose for my life. it's time!


the day after Christmas, i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.  thanks to my driver and brother Matt for this hot photo.  what a day!  i was knocked out and didn't feel a thing, but the 3rd day was definitely the worst as the swelling was at its peak.  howeverrrr,  it's all over and done with now FOR GOOD!


6 days later i'm still healing and struggling to chew and it sucks.  i can only do so on one side for now, and i'm not supposed to eat any crackers, chips, popcorn- anything that crumbles and can get stuck in those crevices back there.  this foodie is ready to EAT.  so while my family gets to eat Papa Johns :shock:, i'm on baby food status. how i've been surviving:


oh and let's not forget i couldn't exercise! no food = no energy = no activity = boo. this entire pint of Arctic Zero came in handy.


however for breakfast, i cooked my oats as normal with vanilla creme stevia and unsweetened vanilla almond milk, then i sliced up a banana and threw it in the blender with them. this pic translates to how i felt that morning :lol: BLAH


before bed one night, i whipped out some cottage cheese to get some protein in.  i made some of my healthy chocolate sauce and drizzled some on top along with a dash of cinnamon.


 aaaand for dinner, i got fancy and made some roasted squash and onion soup.  i roasted the veggies in the oven until soft, tender, and charred, then threw them in the blender along with some low sodium vegetable broth, nutritional yeast flakes, black pepper, liquid aminos, sweet smokey paprika, and sprinkled some goat cheese on top.


i was trying to make a balanced meal in a glass and this actually turned out ok!  fruit, greens, healthy fats, and carbs.


 i'm outta protein powder, but a scoop of vanilla would have been perfect!


i ate it with a spoon though, no straws allowed yet.


no gym for 4 straight days and i felt like a weak, wet, limp noodle.  lost a couple of pounds of both fat and muscle for sure.  this is why i LOOOOVE my complex carbs combined with hitting the weights (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, etc) - without them i'm flat and squishy.


sunday was my first day back in the gym and i made some green eggs for real!  liquified frozen spinach + egg whites then scramble!  shredded a little almond cheese on'em that melted on top.


got a nice welcome back 700+ calorie burn in my boxing shoes which happen to be perfect for weight lifting.


 definitely getting a few pairs of these in more crazy colors!


i hope you enjoyed your new years eve WHATEVER you did last night!!  Chiso surprisingly checked out at 9:30... SCORE.  i know! soooo Sonny and i enjoyed a quiet evening at home and popped open a bottle of  the good stuff - sparkling welches red grape juice cocktail. we had a quiet, intimate toast to end a great year and welcome an even better one!


this morning was the Commitment Day 5k-  did you get up and go run in your city?


it rained. it was windy. it was cold.


but that didn't stop these people from coming out in their raincoats, hats, and umbrellas!  it was still a fair turnout and i was honored to participate.


i ran with my sister-friend Shabakka; she showed up and showed out!  we had just finished up.

i saw a few familiar faces along the way though and i was definitely looking for some!  i'd like to give a huge CONGRATS and shout out to one of my readers and fam, Ivy!!!  you did it! way to start 2013 STRONG.

20130101_103644 you know i wore my watch. couldn't tell ya what my time was though...let's say around 24 min or so.

that's my holiday wrap up!  i'll leave you with one of the quotes i'm really feelin':

'don't tell people your dreams, show them.'

here's to a fit & clean 2013! (thx Dami;)


weekend + peanut butter oatmeal carob chip cookie balls


i mean i just wanted to take a selfie of my new top from my sweet coworker, Monica!  apparently everybody needed to use the bathroom at the same time.20121222_080014doing his daily ritual.


love it!  workout gear is one of my fave ever gifts to receive.   it's Nike, very light weight, has a cool design, and most important, racerback.


we hit the gym and i decided to take a Total Conditioning class instead of my normal weights and cardio routine.  taking classes and teaching them are completely different for me concerning the workout part!  i do 80%+of the workout with my class, and the rest is coaching, motivating, and walking around checking for great form.  before i began teaching, seeing the instructor struggling with me provided some of THE best motivation to keep me going! so i definitely try to provide that for my members. when i'm up there on that podium, it's like i feel NO burn, seriously!  my adrenaline goes crazy the entire time. talk about an endorphin high :shock:


where's waldo?

 when i take a class, i feel the burn waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay sooner, LOL.  i feel every thing!  it's now me vs me and  i go to war with that voice inside my head telling me the burn is too much and to STOP.  but i refuse!


i did the class, then 30 min of fat burning cardio and got up outta there.


but not before a progress selfie lol.  Chiso and i had a day of Christmas and grocery shopping to get to, and i neglected to pack our lunches.  i knew we'd pass by that death trap of a food court at the mall and the smell of fries just might win me over after that workout! so, we had lunch at the gym.


and i'm glad we did! ok more like a snack.  i got a smoothie for the first time in MONTHS.  i've enjoyed eating my fruit instead of drinking it..that's my only reason.  anyway i was super surprised to see that Lifetime now has almond milk substitutions!! what!? they are always one step ahead!


i got an almond delight which did not hit all my macros for meal 2, but it held me over juuuuust enough until we got home.  don't worry, i made up for it.


i chose blueberry and banana for my fruits of choice; the best smoothie combo ever, i know!


cold and creamy.


Chiso loves the chocolate flavor of this milk too, lol! (me too)  20121222_113650

'if it's here, it's healthy.'

100% clean menu.

on to the mall!


i spotted this while we were out shopping and did the most obnoxious double take ever.  miracle slimming system.  no diet and exercise required. 10 minute method. 3.99. it's called a WORKOUT for a reason, yall!  it requires an effort.  it's still on the shelf because unfortunately someone will buy this thing.  only real, lasting results come from good nutrition and exercise. that's it. that's the secret.


i spent longer grocery shopping than Christmas shopping lol. i  saw these in the bulk isle at HEB and gave them a taste...score.  they are low in sugar, grain sweetened, carob chips and they taste just like semi sweet chocolate chips!  grain sweetened chocolate covered raisins from Whole Foods have been my guilty pleasure for YEARS.  it was the only place i could find them for a while, but carob has definitely gotten more popular lately!  you'll see these guys again shortly.


TODAY was leg day and i had a grilled turkey and almond cheese sandwich on Ezekiel bread, a small red delicious apple, and some tomato & cucumber salad from Central Market before hitting the gym. 20121223_133805

tryin to shred these puppies!!


had just finished doing my heavy squats here.  i went heavy and did 4 sets of 10 of the following: barbel squats, single leg seated presses, hack squats, alternating dumbbell lunges, deadlifts, leg extensions & curls.


then i followed that up with about 10 min of abs.


nice burn!


i've been thinking about the kind of cookie i wanted to leave out for Santa, and i tried my hand at some no-bake peanut butter cookie balls that turned out darn good!

No Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Carob Chip Cookie Balls

the stuff:

  • 10 tbsp quick oats
  • 2 tbsp carob chips (can totally use any kind of chocolate chips)
  • 2 tbsp agave nectar (can sub honey)
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla
  • 2 tbsp unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 4 tbsp chocolate PB2

do this:

MIX! form into 10 balls and pop them into the fridge until you're ready to devour.  give them at least 30 min though.  if they are too sticky for you, add more oats in increments of 1 table-spoon.  they were just right for us though!  recipe makes 10 balls.

serving size = 1 cookie

carobcookieslow sugar, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free (long as your oats are gluten-free) and YUM-MY.


Chiso looooooooooooved them!


him and his faces.


more, more, more!  20121223_172327

ok we ate this entire batch, but we will make plenty more.


Santa will wash them down with a big glass of almond milk!

what kinda cookies will you be leaving out for Santa this year?


clean, all natural, guilt-free chocolate sauce

i'm going dip and drizzle crazy.  i've googled homemade chocolate sauces in the past and normally they contain some type of oil (usually coconut which is 120 calories 13g fat, 12 saturated), a wack sugar substitute that tastes like chemicals, or just an ingredient i don't particularly care for.  i took a complete gamble with the ingredients and the measurements and it turned out, well, darn good. so i tried it on what else, some dessert first!

i made a guilt-free arctic zero sundae with soy whip and crushed pistachios.

trial and error is a huge, frustrating part of coming up with your own recipes.  it can get expensive too!!  so getting it right the first time (or at least the first few times) makes me feel good. really good.

would you like to read about my fantastic workout from this morning before i share the recipe? ok great!!! there is something about the peacefulness of the gym super early in the morning.  i get it now.  i can clear my mind, focus on my to-do list not only for that day but my long-term goals, projects, dreams, next moves, pray...talk to God...and get my life together.

  it's that crucial.  minimal interruptions, effective workout, no waiting on the equipment...  it's never the same in the evenings immediately after work.  even late at night; it doesn't compare.

symmetry is good.  symmetry is preferred. lol.  my right shoulder area is still more defined than my left, but i'm in the process of fixing it. one way to correct that is to do isolations (one limb at a time).  i used to pass this machine up, but never again!  i added it to my routine this morning and felt different parts of my glutes and hamstrings being worked way more vs. pressing both legs at once.  do NOT let the machines intimidate you- you can't progress if you don't try different things.  find a trainer and ask them for a demo if you can't decipher the directions.

i rushed home to my breakfast and my boys!  made some egg whites and topped them with fat-free feta and parsley.  i kept my banana oat pancakes simple and sprayed them with 'i can't believe it's not butter' and walden farms pancake syrup. aaand reduced sugar Heinz for my eggs.

 for my oatmeal though, i topped it with more fresh bananas, crushed almonds, and a drizzle of my clean chocolate sauce!  mmmm crepes would also be a grand idea.

  by the way, my oatmeal is cooked in unsweetened vanilla almond milk/water, and a splash of vanilla.  then i add cinnamon and stir.

ready now?

3 ingredients:

clean, guilt-free, all natural, chocolate sauce

the stuff:

  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp all natural, raw, coconut crystals (found at Whole Foods)
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened vanilla almond milk

do this:

i suggest you heat the milk first ( you can nuke it for 15-20 seconds) THEN add the cocoa powder and crystals.  the cocoa won't absorb into the milk if it's cold and you will be stirring forever cause it  just won't mix. just like oil and water. you can either add more or less almond milk- the consistency is up to you.  i found that after mixing these exact amounts together (get all the lumps out) and letting it sit in the fridge for less than 30 min, it was the perfect consistency for dipping, pouring, or spooning it straight :lol:

the sky is the limit!   double, triple, or quadruple the recipe as needed, just adjust your stats accordingly.

strawberries and chocolate - classic combo.

banana chunks, dipped and topped.

raw unsweetened coconut flakes, crushed almonds, crushed pistachios.

had way too much fun today.  happy friday eve :)
