#SundayBumday + Healthy Cookies!



cause after church, this is pretty much how we spent the rest of our afternoon!  it has been raining non-stop since yesterday morning... seriously. no breaks it seems like.  hurricane Patricia is NOT playing.  we spent all day yesterday in humble, texas at the Mocha Kid Expo (post coming up next) and had a BLAST. so we needed to stay in the house and #NetflixNoChill today anyway.  WE killed that entire bag of Boom Chika Pop kettlecorn!! it's time to have another giveaway with Angie's! #WaitOnIt





i whipped out my crock pot and just starting cooking!  i threw some chicken breasts in there (i sliced up 3 whole oranges + a cup of Sprouts Farmers Market Honey Chipotle bbq sauce + 3 stalks of green onion) for us to eat through wednesday. totally made that 'recipe' up on the spot and it turned out delicious.  for dinner, baked tilapia, sautéed peppers and asparagus (marinated in Coconut Aminos first), and a sweet potato for Sonny.  i had cauliflower 'mashed potatoes'! this is whatcha do:

  1. boil some frozen cauliflower until it is super tender (about 10 min or so) in some unsweetened cashew milk and a dash of sea salt. pour in enough milk to cover the cauliflower.
  2. drain it, throw it in your food processor, and blended it for about 10 seconds, making it half creamy, half chunky.  OR you can blend until it's super smooth if that's your thing.
  3. add cracked black pepper and some chopped green onion on top!  you can even make 'loaded mashed potatoes' and add bacon and cheese, YUM.  i bet the kiddos would NEVER know. haven't tried that on my 4-year-old though....yet.

tasted JUST like mashed potatoes. texture and errythang!


for dessert.... yes, please. i've been waiting to try these guys out!  Sprouts Farmer's Market has them 3 for 5 this week, so i took them up on that deal. they're VEGAN, people! no eggs, no dairy!

Chiso chose the chocolate chip to tackle first, so i warmed it up in the microwave for 20 seconds.


smelled incredible... was hoping it tasted the same.


we split it in 4 and dove right in. seriously good.

impressive facts, right!?  agreed!


the stats aren't too shabby either! it's dessert for crying out loud!  subway cookies are waaaaay smaller and are around 220 cals EACH.  this is prolly the biggest, healthiest cookie i've ever eaten and enjoyed.

are you ready for a new week? ready or not, it's here!  nite :)

Q: what's your favorite thing to do when it's raining outside?  

happy fit & clean 2013!


 well, it's here. the new year is underway.... i'm just happy and grateful to be here. soon as i opened my eyes today i made a Facebook status that said  'if you woke up this morning, you were SUPPOSED TO!! thank God! now, go and be YOU.' i'm excited and so ready to live His purpose for my life. it's time!


the day after Christmas, i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.  thanks to my driver and brother Matt for this hot photo.  what a day!  i was knocked out and didn't feel a thing, but the 3rd day was definitely the worst as the swelling was at its peak.  howeverrrr,  it's all over and done with now FOR GOOD!


6 days later i'm still healing and struggling to chew and it sucks.  i can only do so on one side for now, and i'm not supposed to eat any crackers, chips, popcorn- anything that crumbles and can get stuck in those crevices back there.  this foodie is ready to EAT.  so while my family gets to eat Papa Johns :shock:, i'm on baby food status. how i've been surviving:


oh and let's not forget i couldn't exercise! no food = no energy = no activity = boo. this entire pint of Arctic Zero came in handy.


however for breakfast, i cooked my oats as normal with vanilla creme stevia and unsweetened vanilla almond milk, then i sliced up a banana and threw it in the blender with them. this pic translates to how i felt that morning :lol: BLAH


before bed one night, i whipped out some cottage cheese to get some protein in.  i made some of my healthy chocolate sauce and drizzled some on top along with a dash of cinnamon.


 aaaand for dinner, i got fancy and made some roasted squash and onion soup.  i roasted the veggies in the oven until soft, tender, and charred, then threw them in the blender along with some low sodium vegetable broth, nutritional yeast flakes, black pepper, liquid aminos, sweet smokey paprika, and sprinkled some goat cheese on top.


i was trying to make a balanced meal in a glass and this actually turned out ok!  fruit, greens, healthy fats, and carbs.


 i'm outta protein powder, but a scoop of vanilla would have been perfect!


i ate it with a spoon though, no straws allowed yet.


no gym for 4 straight days and i felt like a weak, wet, limp noodle.  lost a couple of pounds of both fat and muscle for sure.  this is why i LOOOOVE my complex carbs combined with hitting the weights (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, etc) - without them i'm flat and squishy.


sunday was my first day back in the gym and i made some green eggs for real!  liquified frozen spinach + egg whites then scramble!  shredded a little almond cheese on'em that melted on top.


got a nice welcome back 700+ calorie burn in my boxing shoes which happen to be perfect for weight lifting.


 definitely getting a few pairs of these in more crazy colors!


i hope you enjoyed your new years eve WHATEVER you did last night!!  Chiso surprisingly checked out at 9:30... SCORE.  i know! soooo Sonny and i enjoyed a quiet evening at home and popped open a bottle of  the good stuff - sparkling welches red grape juice cocktail. we had a quiet, intimate toast to end a great year and welcome an even better one!


this morning was the Commitment Day 5k-  did you get up and go run in your city?


it rained. it was windy. it was cold.


but that didn't stop these people from coming out in their raincoats, hats, and umbrellas!  it was still a fair turnout and i was honored to participate.


i ran with my sister-friend Shabakka; she showed up and showed out!  we had just finished up.

i saw a few familiar faces along the way though and i was definitely looking for some!  i'd like to give a huge CONGRATS and shout out to one of my readers and fam, Ivy!!!  you did it! way to start 2013 STRONG.

20130101_103644 you know i wore my watch. couldn't tell ya what my time was though...let's say around 24 min or so.

that's my holiday wrap up!  i'll leave you with one of the quotes i'm really feelin':

'don't tell people your dreams, show them.'

here's to a fit & clean 2013! (thx Dami;)



mid-week holiday?  i'll take it!  Sonny and i both got our workouts in super early.

then, we finally made it to the


after being rained out several times in the past few weeks, we finally got some swimming in.  it even took us two attempts in one day, goodness.  we pulled up to the pool earlier in the afternoon and it really started coming down:( so, we went back home and tried again a few hours later.


like it never even rained.

i'm so grateful to God for family time and holiday memories.

Chi having his fav snack afterwards :)  and NO, we didn't have any bbq'd nothin :roll:

but i hope you did!! how did you celebrate your hump day holiday?

Bayou City Classic 10K 2012

light energy snack on the way to the race in the car- pistachiooooos.

*flashback* this is my awesome friend Krystal and i with our baby bumps exactly one year ago at the Bayou City Classic 10K 2011!  we were both expecting boys and finally met them about two months later.

 i couldn't tell ya what our time was cause we talked about baby stuff the whole way and didn't even pay attention. great times.

this year,

it rained the entire time!!!

i threw my shoes into the washing machine along with my soaked clothes afterwards- the rain did not let up. steady drizzle from start to finish.

making my way through the rainy downtown streets to the start line.

first time for everything!  put a towel over my head, secured it with my visor, turned on my ipod, and just ran.  i finished around 54 minutes.  this race had THE best post race food yet- breakfast tacos, chicken breast / fresh fruit bowls, and protein bars galore.

i even saw made-to-order toastadas!! i didn't get one though cause i already had waaaay too much crap in my hands.

they upgraded from regular cotton t-shirts to the jersey/mesh-like material this year.

i cleaned up, huh!

i saw spindletop (one of our anniversary dinner spots) in the distance and took one last shot before heading home.

my first and only niece is having her 1st birthday party today!  i sped home and got ready for the festivities.  i kept my hair wrapped and pinned underneath that towel during my run.  even though it was completely soaked through, my hair didn't look half bad after i let it air dry.  which is great cause i sure didn't feel like flat ironing it.

my sis-in-law and i at her daughter's party:)

i will be well prepared for a day full of screaming kiddos as my son's 1st b-day approaches, whew.  i sure could use that extra hour of sleep we are losing tonight!!
