boy: a noise with dirt on it

a mommy-friend of mine invited the boys and i to toddler story time at a local library recently.  actually, she invited us weeks ago but i finally got it together enough on my end so that we could attend. it was a morning event so i got up super-duper early just to ensure we'd make it. a lil late, but we made it.  i feel like i have to start getting everybody ready like 3 hours before we have to be somewhere, seriously.  and when we are rarely making good time, Chiso suddenly has to go go to the restroom as i am loading up the car or Dego throws up on us.  never fails!  but hey, we made it AND we even got a nice breakfast in!


i had egg whites with black pepper, mozzarella almond cheese, a little homemade guacamole, low-fat turkey sausage, and french toast with strawberries!  big breakfast to support my activity levels these days which includes hitting the weights again, nursing around the clock, and keeping up with my 3 yr old. among other things.


Chiso has requested pancakes for like 2 weeks straight now. maybe even longer than that.  so made him some sprinkled with mini chocolate chips, sugar-free syrup, and a little fat-free Redi Whip.


our boys warmed right on up to each other and enjoyed the crafting, songs, and puppet show.


 Maranda is a mom of 3 boys herself so i know she feels my pain can relate to life with these little knuckleheads!


 our first official outing together.  we did it!! we're pros now. i actually avoided leaving the house with both boys for the longest...but the saying is true. 'ain't nothin' to it but to do it.' after that? piece of cake! for the most part. thinking, i.e. worrying, about every single thing that could go wrong is no way to live. i've learned to be prepared, prayerful, and cautious, not crazy.  Chiso's independence could not have come at a better time though. for him to be able to get in and out of the car himself, clean up his toys and messes, retrieve and/or throw away Dego's diapers, and turn on the bathroom light so i don't have to get up lol helps out big time. more baby Chiso!

just another one of those bittersweet mommy moments.


well all that fun didn't result in a nap at our house, but Chiso enjoyed himself and has asked to go back countless times now. Maranda is a pro at finding free & fun stuff to do around our city, and i recently came across Houston on the Cheap with even more ideas galore.  check it! CYMERA_20140729_221917

i got to bed way too late so my early gym date was definitely out this morning. i hit the streets for some sprints once Sonny got home instead. i haven't run full speed in almost a year and i'm sure i'll pay for it tomorrow and the next day!  i did ladders:

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i started slow and only went 'down' the ladder from 5 to 1.  that was all i had, woof.  also, here are two foodie items being adding back into my diet that i've posted about before: almond cheese (gotta cut down on the dairy cause of bloating) and calorie-free Grey Poupon mild & creamy mustard. i got great feedback via Instagram about Daiya vegan cheese so i'm gonna step out and try that brand next.

Q: what have you tripped over that wasn't even worth tripping over once you did it?


saturdate + 6 week pp fitness goals

Sonny and i attended a wedding late last night/morning, so the boys hung out with their grandparents overnight.  which also means i was confined to my breast pump every 4 hours or so.  i remember being away from Chiso overnight for the 1st time and fearing he would reject my breast cause of nipple confusion once we were reunited again. it drove me crazy, but i was also a first time mom. a lot of things drove me crazy then.  fortunately, both boys latched right back on like nothing ever happened. *although it is recommended to give newborns at least 3 solid weeks of breast only before introducing the bottle if you can help it*. after sleeping straight through the night i woke up full of liquid gold and leaking through my clothes and bed sheets. there's always a trade-off! was it worth a night of uninterrupted sleep?

heck yes.


 i headed to 'weigh-ins' with Sonny, as he calls them.  the 6 Pack USA  plan works for people inside and outside of Houston. 'weigh-ins'  is where we check our 6 Pack USA Houston clients' progress in person if they choose (body fat, weight, motivation levels) to ensure they are on track with their customized meal and workout plans. video links are provided for  those that prefer to have a family or friend measure them weekly.  i'm 5 weeks postpartum and currently pondering about my own fitness goals these days. here are a few i'd like to share with ya:

  • naturally detox my body from processed foods (i'll still be eating whole wheat bread and tortillas, etc., but i'm referring to unnecessary things like cool whip)
  • drink way more water (WHEN will i get it together in this department...i mean really.)  it will help keep my milk supply up, skin hydrated, and things moving along in my digestive system
  • lift these glutes! i eat pancakes...i don't wear them. ready to squat heavy again and build my booty back up.
  • strengthen my entire back - the weight of these boobs have my posture slipping big time. not cute. and i'm feeling quite unbalanced and shaped like a number 9 at that. gravity is just not my friend.  this is another job for heavy weight lifting.
  • widdle down my waist - which will largely come from better nutrition, time, and patience.
  • shooting for 13-14% body fat  (long as that comes with a normally functioning menstrual cycle. since i'm breastfeeding i don't have to worry about Aunt Flo for a while anyway, woo hoo)
  • upper-body definition - i can only do a few push ups on my toes before modifying to my knees because my core is still pretty weak, but like anything else, the more i do them the stronger i'll get.
  • start my own 6 Pack USA plan soon!

that's it for now;  just want to tighten a few things up. not ready to hit any stage anytime soon or anything though.


 the last piece of evidence to this pregnancy.... my linea negra and tummy discoloration. it stuck around for like 4-5 months after my first pregnancy, so it's not going anywhere anytime soon. no crop tops for me this summer though!


two dates in one weekend? don't mind if we do.  hubby and i don't work out together too often (we actually train at different gyms), but when we do it's always fun and special cause it's so rare. maybe once or twice a month at best.  it's one of those 'too much of a good thing' kinda idioms for us i guess.  20140726_124252_1

afterwards we had lunch at one of our fave Greek spots, Niko Nikos. they were on Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives a few years ago but they were already well-known in Houston long before then!  i would love to visit every place Guy has gone one day.  i already told Sonny if we ever visit a city with a restaurant that was featured on his show, we are going. it's mandatory.


what...?  #unphased #stillsnappingaway


i started out with one of their fresh greek salads with that signature block of salty feta cheese on top,


then our shared, 'appetizer', The Hercules Plate, came next. lol.


we hadn't been here in a while so we were surprised to see breakfast items on the menu! Sonny got a steak and egg gyro for himself that was really good.  the pita bread is always so soft, warm, and magical.


instead of ordering my usual grilled chicken and spinach pita, i got The Broiled Flounder Plate w/ half rice half lemon baked potatoes with tzatziki sauce and pita bread.


hey. just hiding my food baby.20140725_125414

  i REALLY wanted some greek donuts, but i went for some Arctic Zero, fat-free Redi Whip and sprinkles when we got home to kill my sweet craving.


  not sure who is harder to raise....  husbands or kids? i've been saying i have 3 babies lately, lol. ironically, i showed this to Sonny and he didn't even get it!!!

Q: have you ever eaten at a restaurant featured on Food Network?
