more fun with kettle bells + say cheese

i had serious business to handle this morning at the gym!!! i downed my hot cup of  coffee + stevia + unsweetened vanilla almond milk, looked over my class notes and hit the road.


'it never gets easier, you just get better.'

i have some awesome veteran gym members that have been with me from the  jump!  they attended my very first class at Lifetime and have stuck with me ever since. i adore and admire their dedication to their health and waking up at the crack of dark with me every single week.  i present a new routine each class cause i like to keep things new and exciting, and never predictable. however.... because these members have been with me for  so long, they know some of my moves, which means they know which weight is the 'safest' for a particular exercise. mmhmm, and they also know which weight will really make them WORK hard, struggle, and sweat.  i know you see it coming already!  in order to change our current situation and get those results we so desire and pray for, we must sometimes get uncomfortable (e.g. pick up that heavier weight) so that we can GROW.

IMG_20130226_083032 had i not been given the opportunity to teach in the early mornings, i would have never attempted it on my own. i know the word 'never' is taboo, but i know me!!! never, ever considered AM workouts.  had no desire to do them whatsoever. waking up and doing anything, especially working out, before i go to work? HECK NO.  so when i was called upon to do so, my mind literally screamed  'why me?! it's because i'm a newbie, huh!!' but i kept a straight face with my manager of course.  what... a.... blessing in disguise.  sometimes doing something out of your ordinary or something you fear (public speaking, running your first 5k, cooking your first holiday meal for your entire family)  can help you break away from those chains and overcome those fears completely and present new opportunities.  don't let those 'what if?' feelings haunt or consume you. challenge yourself.  every day you wake up...and that's IF you wake have another chance to make your dreams and goals happen.  do not fear stepping out of your warm, safe comfort zone.  keep fighting it, resisting, and staying in one spot, and you'll never know or experience the opportunities that lie ahead!!!

smile! why so serious? :lol: i don't usually get that long-winded.  time to talk about working out and food and stuff. i have some more kettle bell exercises for ya.

1. half get up:


a. lie face up on the floor and keep your legs straight. hold the kettlebell in your left hand straight above your left shoulder.


  b. engage your core first, bend your left knee, place your foot on the floor, and prop yourself up on your left arm. keep the weight directly in line with your shoulder and sit up until your back is straight. reverse the movement to return to start. that's one! 3-4 sets of 10 using a weight that's heavy for YOU.

what it works:

  • arms
  • core
  • shoulders

what it's for:

  • flexibility
  • core strength

2. kettle bell sumo squat to upright row:


* start standing with your feet out slightly wider than shoulder width and your toes pointed at a 45 degree angle*

a. sit down into a plie squat:

  • core tight, shoulders back and down, back flat, chest up
  • tuck your glutes under and pull your belly button into your spine
  • knees and toes pointed outward in the same direction (about a 45 degree angle)
  • at the lowest point of your squat, your knees should stay inside your toes
  • lift your toes inside your shoes to ensure your weight is concentrated in your heels

b. straighten your legs and return to standing.

*at the same time*

  • draw the kettle bell to your body
  • pull your elbows into a V and keep them higher than your wrists
  • let your arms extend back to starting position

repeat, 4 x 15.


side view- straight up and down, back flat, abs in.

what does it work?

  • hamstrings
  • glutes
  • back
  • shoulders


back view.  squeeeeeeeeze those glutes the entire time! don't let'em go!

3. kb swings 

*stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart*

a. lean forward (bending at the waist) and slightly and bend your knees for a semi-squat position. keep your back flat and head up.


b.  let your arms hang loosely but keep a firm grip on the handle. raise the weight with both hands up towards your head as you inhale. swing the weight with both hands back down in between your legs as you exhale, but remain in control!  use your hips, thighs, and lower back to thrust the weight back up.

do'em! then tell me aaaaall about it!

aaaaagh, breakfast.  had the same thing as yesterday- scrambled egg whites with papaya-lime salsa, a dollop of 0% greek yogurt, and some no-salt  Mrs. Dash garlic & herb seasoning!


this was right before i submerged them in low sugar ketchup.

so, what was in that big box that arrived on my doorstep last week?


Fiber Gourmet graciously sent me a ton of their new high fiber crackers!!! i opened that box like 'whoooooa!' they've got wheat, cheese, nacho cheese, everything, and cinnamon flavors.  i've been a long time fan of their high fiber pastas and did a few posts on them, like this one.  now, they are taking over the cracker game!  i'm not doing them all in one night lol, so Chiso and i started with the cheese Thinables.


they compare their crackers to Nabicso right there on the box, so i did a side by side showdown comparison too.


why you should try them:

  • 25 cheese-its vs 37 Thinables for less than half the calories
  • fiber goes up, calories go down
  • low sodium
  • low-fat
  • no artificial anything!

yall know i'm all about more food for less stats and those stats are killer!  if you're a cracker fan or have kids that love to snack,  give these a try.  Check out their site and try their huge variety of pastas as well.  THANK YOU, Fiber Gourmet!

remember our family trip to Star Pizza this past sunday?  see below!!!

Screenshot_2013-02-28-04-43-01didn't see that coming, but ummmmm, we'll be there with bells on!

what is your favorite kettle bell exercise? 


pizza pizza



a doorstep package is so awesome to wake up to!!!! especially when you've been anticipating it's arrival.  what is it? oooh just my next product review.  and it's food this time *pistol fingers*

we had a crazy weekend and hit up three 30th birthday parties for our friends.  30 is a huge milestone and we were honored to have been invited to help celebrate with each of them!

nich30 copy

Friday night party #1 was for Nichola *whistles*

eve30 copy

2nd Friday night party was for Evelyn- that dress was as hot as the woman in it!!


and finally, we ended our saturday evening with Melanie-  just flawless!

all three of them brought 30 in RIGHT and in their own way-  THAT is how you do it!


hanging on this guy's arm always makes for a fun night.  i follow @chalenejohnson on IG and she has motivated me tremendously concerning the importance of keeping family in the forefront in the midst of taking care of myself, and i encourage you to do the same!  i don't take our date nights for granted and really cherish and enjoy my toddler-less time with Sonny. felt like we were back in college with all this partying for a sec, oh boy!

but back to saturday morning- it began with maple almond butter banana burgers for Chiso and i.  fun to make, fun to eat.


he goes crazy for these things!  all flavors of Justin's nut butters work, especially the chocolate hazelnut and chocolate almond butter. yummers.


we followed up breakfast with a visit to the gym.  i got sweaty on the elliptical with some fat burning cardio, shot some hoops with Chiso, and we got up outta there.


you should know by now what we did next!!  it's a saturday ritual, come on now.  just a short trip this time though:

  • sara lee 45 calories and delightful whole wheat bread
  • unsweetened apple sauce
  • fresh blackberries (on sale)
  • fresh strawberries (on sale)
  • sweet potatoes
  • grapefruit
  • bananas
  • frozen tilapia
  • wheat bran
  • oat bran
  • red bell peppers (on sale)
  • Walden Farms pancake syrup

Q: how do i get started with cleaner eating?

A: very popular question as of late, but the answer is simple.  in the grocery store!!  buy and keep the right stuff (wholesome, fresh, natural, no-low processed foods)  in your fridge so you'll always be prepared to make nutritious, healthy meals.  check out my 'the right stuff' section for some of the brands and items i purchase and use daily.

we usually do the family thing on Sundays;  Sonny went to a house party recently and would not stop raving about the incredible slice of pizza he had eaten!  i needed to see what all the hype was about, so we made it  a date.


if you're a Houstonian, i'm sure you've either passed this place or been here yourself several times.  and hey, they are on Instagram too-  they commented on the pic i IG'ed earlier, how cool! check'em out: @starpizza


we ordered 1 slice of whole wheat cheese pizza for Chi and he went to TOWN on it.


i was impressed by the super wide range of toppings, and was relieved to see that you could order single slices instead of being forced into buying a whole pizza.  it's the little things.


i got a slice of whole wheat, thin crust, zucchini, grilled chicken, and pineapple with plenty of hot, melty, gooey, mozzarella cheese.  no words besides insanely delicious.


and then that monstrosity hit the table.  that is a WORK OF ART.


half salsa verde, half supreme deep. dish. pizza. :shock:  if you haven't been yet, i bet you're going now.  night!
