FanuMe Life Fair + Mai's Restaurant

i reeeeally missed my saturday morning workout.  but i had a good excuse reason as i certainly could have gotten up super early and went for a run.  we were up and outta the door by 7am  getting ready for the FanuMe Life Fair!


our fellow UH COOG, Faith, invited us to participate in her event and we were completely honored to do so.  we had a 6 Pack USA booth and represented our company and also pushed my new ebook, Fit Foodie Lean.


i even did a radio interview with Reyna from KSBJ (or tried to :shock: ) lol! i was so nervous.


this running your own business thing can be pretty darn tough.  tougher than i ever thought.  but when God gives you a vision you have to trust Him and WALK.  i have a tendency to over complicate things though, let Sonny tell it.   regardless, working beside my husband has been a great, great blessing in my life.  we are both super competitive, but we do our best to remember that we are a team and to always work together, not against each other.

 we've started a tradition (not that we don't go out to eat to celebrate everything else already) to go out for a meal together immediately after a business event to relax, reflect, and discuss how it all went and address our areas of improvement.


we found a gold mine this time.


Sonny actually had another restaurant picked out, but after discussing the idea of a Vietnamese option out loud in Academy Sports and Outdoors, this ear hustling guy came outta no where and suggested Mai's in downtown Houston.  j/k, Sonny just talks extremely loud.  so we trusted him and went for it.


i started out with a house green salad and then things just got crazy.


we tried some pho (first timers!) with a combo of rare beef, tripe, and meatballs.  that broth.......


this is called 'catfish in a clay pot'.  doesn't matter what kinda pot it came in. so dang yummy.  the sweet and sour flavors made this dish pretty awesome.


i ordered the garlic chicken and vegetables and added asparagus as our waitress recommended and she was spot on!  she said the meat was already marinated in the sauce, so i could not get it on the side this time.


sat. tis. fied.




the 80/20 rule (80% clean, 20 indulge, enjoy, and LIVE) was in full effect this weekend.




 we stopped after that.


i was back at it today, but full of sodium, fluffiness, and zero motivation from yesterday's meals no doubt.  been drinking a ton of water to help with the bloating.  no regrets though, ever.  it will wear off;  it always does. i taught my class and even had enough energy to hop on the stairmaster and get this puppy done:


level/speed activity
0-2 50 single step warmup
2-3 60 every other step w/ alternating back leg lift
3-4 90-100 side step right
4-5 60

every other step w/ alternating back leg lift

5-6 90-100 side step left
6-7 60 every other step w/ alternating back leg lift
7-7:30 90-100 side step left
7:30-8 90-100 side step right
8-9 90-100 every other step w/ alternating back leg lift
9-10 90-100

single step

 repeat!  and absolutely NO HANDS ;)  why is the stairmaster so cool?  after reading these benefits, you'll agree.


our cousin Anthony got Chiso a personalized Rocket's shirt and some new kicks!  he sported his fit today at our family gym date.


he wasn't too interested in shooting hoops with me though- too busy watching his papa.

IMG_20130727_071556friends, always count your blessings, not your problems.  we live in an imperfect word filled with imperfect people.  once you accept this fact and live in the NOW, life gets a whole lot easier and your perspective changes for the better.

 have a great night.  it's a new week- here we gooooo


dirty & flirty 30

my husband is an event planner by nature.  im so thankful that he ultimately just wants to make me happy, but i really think he enjoys doing this stuff.  i don't, but i'll do it for him. <3

good friday, april 6th

Sonny surprised me with a lunch time visit- he brought along our little one and together with my coworkers they walked in with *drumroll* sprinkles cupcakes!  well let's start this thang off right then!

 i had not been eating processed sugar for the last two weeks and i was SO READY TO INDULGE, yall aren't hearing me. 

my coworker/sweet friend Monica whipped out another bag which contained a vegan red velvet cupcake just for me! i gave the other red velvets to my team to devour.

 had i not known it was vegan, well, i wouldn't know the difference! it was just as moist and delicious.  i have to 'trick' Sonny like that sometimes...if don't say anything at all, he doesn't even notice he's eating healthier.  anyway, i'm loving vegan desserts right now and i plan to make my own in the near future.

s/n- who eats a cupcake like this??  Sonny turns his upside down first cause icing is equivalent to mac n cheese or oatmeal to him. it's that texture thing again.

however it's still a waste of good sugar, SMH.  moving on!

the big day...saturday, april 7th

the dirty (am):

i was excited to hear the word 'fitness' cause that's what i do every saturday morning- go burn some calories. however, before the fitness part,  we drove to a great brunch at Barnaby's Cafe (nope, didn't know we were going here either but soooo glad we did.)


my eyes were immediately drawn to 'green eggs' on the menu.  egg whites, spinach, and fontina cheese. im so predictable, i know.  i switched out my wheat toast for a pancake.  the eggs came with smoked apple sausage, potatoes, and a side of fruit.

 great choice, highly recommended, YES, we will be back.

on to the fun-  rock climbing and basketball at my gym!  i'm aaaaaall about activity- i love this kinda stuff.  i actually joked about a rock climbing party weeks ago via a facebook post and i see he rolled with it.  it really was a desire of my heart, deep down!

once at the gym, i thought it would be just us two and rocks.   little did i know that Sonny had invited some of my friends along who were there waiting just around the corner.  they all walked back to where we were to find me sprawled on the floor looking quite foolish and doing what?  making 'snow angels' in the recycled tires.  i made that waaaaaay too easy for everybody, especially Sonny.

everyone climbed up solo at least once, then we did some relay races.  after that, it was onto the bball courts for some more guys vs girls 'drills'.

after all that hard fun, we dined on some true party food- pizza and cake!

the cake was made to mimic my fav shoes- my nike free run 2s!! very nice touch:) thanks, Din! 

and what's a gym party without some lululemon!? i'm slowly building my lulu wardrobe. it's gonna take a while though, lol.

my friends were sore the next day but they were SUCH good sports and i love them to pieces for doing something different and celebrating with me.

one last shot with my balloons before heading out.

the flirty (pm):

Sonny then took me to get my wig split, finally! my bun needed a lot of love.  afterwards, he told me to get ready to break out the dress that i spent three long weeks looking for.

extreme makeover!  i know i live in gym clothes but i do like to get fancy every now and then when the occasion calls for it!

After being blindfolded in the car (i did my best to figure it out though 'ok, he turned left here, drove for 2 miles, turned left, etc.' but yeah i eventually lost it.  we ended up here though:

my family and a few close friends were waiting in the veranda for us!  i have become an emotional MONSTER ever since i got preggo because crying over something sappy is something i just didn't do.  i guess my hormones are still out of wack cause i shed a few tears of joy upon seeing my family :)  after some hugs, hor devoures, and pictures, our waiter led us to Masraff's wine cellar where we enjoyed an amazing private dinner.

Sonny got the soup, so i got the salad.

Sonny got the pork chop, so i got the swordfish.

i wanted to taste everything!!!! every bite of either entrée was fantastic.

the chilled beet salad on top and the veggies were fresh and crisp, and the polenta was filled will cheesy, savory, yuminess.  one fork full of each element was simply DIVINE.

yep, that good. no shame.

 CHOCOLATE CAKE. then, more dessert! why not!?

you already know which dessert Sonny picked...the chocolate.  once you pierced it with your utensil, chocolate ganache oozed out of the cake.

a halved pear was used to hold the sweet, creamy creme brulee custard- first time i've ever eaten it that way.  they were both delicious, and i definitely appreciate the portion sizes. (especially after that, pizza, shoe cake, and slice of chocolate cake, lol)

the only bad thing about this day is that it had to end :(

i have relived my birthday, every day, for the past two weeks and counting.  i thank God for blessing me to see my 30th.  a gigantic THANK YOU, yet again, to my dear husband, as well as my family and friends for sharing this special day with me.  thank YOU for reading!
