pumpkin pie dip + fit wkend recap
hilarious. #timeshavechanged #toofunny
how was that weekend? i actually rested all day sunday after 6 straight days of workouts. also because i spent most of the day like this:
and we still aren't done, lol! i can usually sit through the 16 hours but we broke it up over a few days this time. Ogechi strategically braided around the small patch we have left to go (about 3 more hours) so i can now leave the house without a hat on, haha. yep, the braids and high bun are almost baaaaaaack.
saturday, the #TonOfFunChallenge participants met up at our saturday bootcamp class for the second time to do a workout together! i missed the 1st gathering while away in Galveston at the Blog Elevated conference. i made them start with some outside cardio and we totally used the parking garage's incline ramp to our 'advantage'.
they worked so hard out there! going UP the ramp we did:
3 warm-up laps
alternating lunges w/ back leg lift
side squats right (top pic)
side squats left
jump squats
toe/heel taps 30 secs on / 30 secs off (bottom pic)
then we headed inside to do 4 rounds of week 3's HIIT workout together, the 'Superman'. whew.
afterwards, i did a fun, sweaty, one-on-one workout with another challenger, Elizabeth. well i had fun! :) j/k, she did fantastic and pushed all the way through.
later that afternoon after a family birthday party, i met up with my brother again for some cardioooooo! he is competing in his very first NPC bodybuilding show this coming weekend and we know he'll do fantastic. he doesn't do regular ol' treadmill cardio though, HA. look, if you're ever about to workout with an Egwuatu, start praying for strength immediately. they.are.crazy. but it will be one of the best workouts you've ever had in life. i promise you that.
two of our 6 Pack USA clients competed in their very first body building show this past weekend (job well done, Tre and Nicholas!!!) so Sonny hightailed it to Ft. Worth to cheer them on. then he sped back straight to church sunday morning cause he had some important duties to fulfill!
pretty proud of this guy.
today was his very first sunday as a volunteer in the kid's ministry at our church! i asked him how he thought it went afterwards and he said it was the most fun he's ever had in church in his entire life. well, wow. praise God for such a life changing report!
Dego had a few visitors later that evening (nobody comes to see me or Sonny anymore lol) and i got some meal prep done in between hair braiding. i baked a few pans of tilapia that were seasoned with Weber New Orlean's seasoning blend, garlic powder, and liquid aminos. das it! 350 degrees for 30 minutes. i also wanted to share that Pumpkin Pie Protein Dip recipe i made for small group last week and posted to instagram. thanks again to one of my small group members, Julie, for the idea!

Pumpkin Pie Dip
creamy, dairy-free pumpkin dip perfect for Fall parties or all year round!
- 15 oz can pure pumpkin
- 1 container dairy-free cream cheese
- 2 tbsp Truvia Nectar or maple syrup
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- 3/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
- combine all ingredients well in your food processor!
feel free to add more sweetener if you like. you can also incorporate the ingredients by hand; just be sure to stir until all ingredients are combined.
75fat (grams)
4carbs (grams)
7protein (grams)
1sugar (grams)
2gthis is great for a Fall party, Halloween party, or an anytime kiddie snack. use apples or even graham crackers for dipping! i didn't measure the spices and whipped this up to my taste, so break out your food processor and throw the following in there:
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