and mixed them all around. then, i coated my pan with foil and coconut cooking oil spray, then placed them evenly across the pan.400 degrees. 12 minutes on one side. 12 minutes on the other. done. Sonny agrees that they still have the same texture as they do when they are deep-fried. i likes food though!!! OMG, y'all, this was crazy good! i threw it in a bowl with some already baked chicken breast chunks, avocado chunks, refried organic black beans, and some sautéed turnip greens. a little bit of everything on your fork at once... heaven. sweet, salty, spicy. (that's sriracha on the chicken but you already knew that)just know i took my sweet, sweet time with this bowl of goodness. these are kind of a big deal! snack smart this week; i tried my best not to go overboard on these bad boys today. yum.
"Make it Last by Making it First" was Pastor Mike's message this morning. i always appreciate this reminder! cause marriage is hard. making it last is even harder.... but completely, 100% worth the fight and the effort. with kids in the mix, you've really gotta be serious and focused about getting in some alone time together often, and try your absolutely hardest not flake on each other. spend not just kid-free time together, but TECHNOLOGY-FREE time at that. it's true, you really can have a crazy awesome time with your spouse and the WWW not know about it. as a new-found snap chat addict (add me, fitfoodiele) i stand by that statement 100% ;)
new week, fit friends, let's goooooo!