scoop happy

FITzee Foods isn't just a product; it's a complete lifestyle.

5 cents of each purchased FITzee Foods meal goes to their Healthy Child Movement.  this program helps to ensure that Monarch (a public K-12 school dedicated to helping San Diego's homeless and at-risk children break the cycle of poverty through education) kids receive the nutritious and well-balanced meals that will help them succeed academically.  i think that is pretty darn amazing and admirable, and something i would love to do with Fit Foodie Le,LLC in the near future.  i'm a firm believer in starting healthy habits early and leading by example at home.

I was invited by my sorority sister, Santrice (l), to speak to the parents of the students attending Fonwood Early Childhood Center this morning on nutrition!


such a gratifying feeling.  once it was over of course. LOL.  public speaking is just like exercise...the more you do it the better and stronger you get.  it was a fun experience and i got to share it with another Soror of mine, Crystal Hadnott (r), a certified nutritionist, personal trainer, pilates reformer Instructor, spin instructor, and piloxing instructor.  yeah she does it ALL!


we even had a translator which was a first for me.  Crystal spoke about eating healthy on a budget, and my task was to elaborate on healthy snack ideas the parents could make for their kiddos.


this was near and dear to my heart since i battle feeding my picky little one every single day!  i discussed two options that have worked for me:


1st, homemade, healthy, oven baked, whole wheat pita pizza.  i've learned that less is more with kids.  too much going on (toppings) and they are less likely to eat whatever it is their staring or picking at.  i went with the two standard ingredients:  all natural pizza sauce and cheese.

  • pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
  • cut the pita in half and place them inside-up on a large baking pan
  • sprinkle on any herbs or seasonings onto the top of the pita (basil, oregano, italian seasoning)
  • place into oven for 4-5 minutes until slightly crisp
  • remove from oven and spread pizza sauce all around crust evenly
  • sprinkle with grated or chopped cheese of your choice
  • if you'd like to add any other ingredients you know your little one will eat (chicken, turkey, beef, etc) do so now!
  • put back into oven and let bake just until the cheese starts to brown and melt.
  • cut, let cool slightly, eat up.

photo (8)

2nd, homemade trail mix.  you can do both of these together and make it a family thing.  involve your kiddos.  they don't always have to watch you do something for them! let them be apart of the process, and they are more likely to eat what the produce.  i hit up the bulk aisle of one of my favorite stores and got scoop happy.  this is a practical and cost-effective snack, and the great thing is that you can mix and match anything YOU guys want.

i got a few scoops of the following: dried mango, dried blueberries, stuffed peanut butter pretzels, unsalted roasted pistachios, almonds, and cashews, dark chocolate covered raisins, yogurt pretzels, sour and regular sugar-free gummy bears, cheddar popcorn, dried apricot,  roasted edamame, dried pineapple,  sesame sticks, and added a few of every pile to an individual sandwich baggy. they were passed out to the parents during my presentation!  if you're speaking about food, you've GOT to have samples ;)


a copy of Fit Foodie Lean was raffled off to one lucky parent, and i was so grateful to be able to share my passion for healthy cooking and eating with them.  giving back to the community is a social responsibility we should partake in as often as possible.  thank you for continuing to lead by such an outstanding example, FITzee Foods!

it's my Friday to teach at the gym tomorrow so i am hitting the sack! nite



well it's about time!!! for this post, that is.  rightontime

non-fitness related, but this is definitely a part of  le.  i give God all the glory and praise for allowing me  to be apart of such an illustrious, historical,  organization of exceptional, talented women.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated! #21 ;)


we are the ladies of 'AKAtch 22'.

 God has blessed and enabled me along with 21 other ladies to give our time, our efforts, and our service to this respected organization.  to be able contribute to and continue this historical legacy is an honor i don't take for granted.  i love these ladies and look forward to a lifetime of sisterhood with them.

enjoy these highlight photos from a very, very special day in my life.


gifts, gift, and mo gifts from the celebratory brunch held for us at the end of this past June 30th, 2013.


i heard my name, so out i came!

one by one we entered into the main ballroom as new initiates for all of our friends, family, and new Sorors to see.


posing with the incredible Soror Shakia after our ceremony. 


Sorors Tiffany, Ijeoma, and Dami. my special day would not have been the same without these ladies and i'm excited to be able to call them Sorors. thanks for the photo, Tiff ;)


this guy right here... i've been waiting a looong time to show my hubby some SKEE-PHI love!  Sonny made it back from his 4th Musclemania bodybuilding show in Miami that same morning, just in time.  i sure did want to go to Miami with him though, not even kidding :shocked:


and then i got the surprise of my life - THIS guy came aaaaaall the way from Afghanistan to celebrate with me and see the fam!  he has been overseas working since the beginning of the year and we have missed him terribly.  he's my only sibling and we are super close so i was pretty dang happy to see him.  cue the ugly-cry-face.


posing and celebrating with the beautiful sister Sorors Brandi and Shalonda just before AKAtch 22 made our grand entrance.   excuse my raccoon eyes from crying my face off all morning.


i look up to and admire my mentor, Soror Brandi, tremendously.  this woman is always on point.  ALWAYS!


making memories with a dear friend of mine and 21 klub, Tiffany.  thank you for..... simply everything.


my girl Andonnia and i!  my sister for life.  i was honored to be able to share that day with her.

Chiso had noooooo idea what was going on,


but his little confused face was priceless.


there might not be any fitness up in this post, but i couldn't get away with mentioning food.


Matthew caught me finally sitting down after it was all over to EAT!! i told him to tell those waiters to NOT touch my plate cause i was coming back. and boy did i.  i had one of everything from the humongous buffet, dessert included. #allout


i loved all my gifts...but this one touched my heart sincerely and means so much to me.

just a quick snippet - the journey really is just beginning...

thank you to my precious FAMILY & FRIENDS for supporting me in countless ways throughout my entire journey.  my heart is completely full of gratitude for each of you!!!  to my dear Aunt Hazel and Godmother whose role was pivotal in my journey to AKA...i love and appreciate you. i thank my loving mother and Soror Andrea for joining me at my ceremony table as well and for their incredible support.

thank you for reading!
