meet me at the bar

so about those FITzee bars i was telling you about- well, we love'em.  ESPECIALLY my little guy!  the older he gets, the pickier his appetite becomes.  so, i'm glad he is quite fond of them *wipes forehead*


they make for a healthy, kid friendly, toddler-tested-fitmom-approved snack.  this is the Apples 'n Oats bar (whey protein + gluten-free oats + dried apples and cinnamon), but there are 9 flavors to choose from.


so, i talk about the 80/20 rule (80% clean diet / 20% whatever i desire in moderation calculated into my macros) a lot and how i prefer to eat real, low - no processed food over bars or shakes.  however, when i do chow down on a bar (and i do), it needs to meet certain standards for me and these do! FITzee bars are:

*all natural

*portable for on-the-go


* no mess

* ideal carb:protein:fat ratio

*easy to digest and eliminates hunger

*lactose, wheat, & gluten-free

*naturally sweetened

 *low sodium

  the result? one amazing energy bar designed to replicate a balanced meal that is suitable for every person and any lifestyle!


they are sweet, chewy and i adore the little chunks of apple and oats in there.  see the nutritional contents for each bar on the FITzee Foods menu here.

the latest FITzee Foods meal i'm feelin' is the read beans and rice with chicken andouille.


i added some fresh green onion and shredded cheddar almond cheese on top before i mixed it all together.  comfort food at it's finest!  i told you, they have it all.

[wpvideo PfvpPdPz]

in deep thought at the squat bar during this morning's early workout, as always!  i do hope your Thursday was a PRODUCTIVE one.  if you don't do it, it won't get done.


chop, chop


oooooh i needed this espresso this morning of all days.  compliments of one of my early morning Lifetime members, so sweet.  i chugged my own instant coffee on the way to class then this on the way home.  running off of 3 hours of sleep + caffeine = a HARD crash sooner or later.

today's workout:

  • 1 hr Barbel Strength (full body weight workout)
  • walking weighted lunges 3 x s forward and reverse ( approx. 50 feet?? idk!)
  • 10 minutes straight of core (russian twists, bicycle crunches, planks)
  • 20 min cardio on the elliptical

so random! i normally use my class as my warmup and go do my real workout afterwards, but my body checked OUT immediately after class.  GET YOUR REST GUYS.  it will catch up to you....eventually.

 i stayed up super late the night before getting things ready for the tortilla giveaway that took place earlier today!


------------->STEPHANIE RUANO!<-----------------

i want to personally thank every single person who entered into this giveaway! i'm just paying it forward, passing on the blessing, and loving it!

 THANK YOU kindly.

theres more to come though- stay.tuned.

so this past tuesday was definitely NOT about me so i did not include this in Sonny's birthday post, but i did a little something to my hair that was WELL overdue.


 i have neglected this head of mine for a long, long time.   i go to the shop for special occasions, but in between those visits, HA.  bun city.  i actually planned to go waaaaay shorter than that, but i am super satisfied.  it definitely doesn't look like this anymore after 2 workouts lol, but i'm gonna do better about maintaining my hair! this time.

it's official. i'm out of Fitzee Foods.  I didn't leave a note on the fridge and Sonny actually ate a few of the meals they sent me which means i did not get to snag a pic of them.  but it's all good cause i am about to put in another order real quick!


Fitzee Foods is based out of San Diego, CA, but they deliver nation wide.  thank God, cause Texas is quite a ways away from Cali.     their meals are:

  • local, organic, all natural products
  • breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snack and meal replacement bar options
  • gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian options available

if you have questions about a specific product on their site, email me! (  my Fitzee Foods product reviews will resume shortly.

last fitness class of the week in the morning :shock: ! nite

Q: have you ever done something drastic to your hair and regretted it?


beast mode ON


i have great news that i received last night just before hitting the sack.


hey now, fit foodie le was selected to be an Athleta Esprit de She Ambassador, :shock: WOWZERS.  what an honor.


'Beyond the finish line, Esprit de She is a community of active women connected by a shared desire to celebrate fitness and fun, sisterhood and strength.'

i love and support their mission and because they are partnered with Lifetime, this deal is that much sweeter!  more details to come as they are rolling out this awesome program as you read this.


class this morning was doooope!  1 hour of HIIT done at the crack of dark.  i am determined to make yoga apart of my normal workout routine, dang it.  one class does WONDERS for my body, immediately.  in addition to increased flexibility (duh), i am calmer, any anxiety is reduced, circulation is increased, and i love that no fancy equipment is needed.  just yo body (ok and a mat, but that's it).  i have always steered clear of yoga cause, well, it's super slow-paced and i'd rather be doing aerial front and back flips or something crazy. but seriously taking your time to stretch is good stuff for your muscles, especially after a great weight workout.   even if you don't take an actual class, don't skip post-workout stretching.  you can't be on 10 all the time!  yoga is physical, mental, & spiritual and just might be the balance you need too.

more news! why? because God is good, that's why.


i received this guy in the mail just this morning from the gorgeous CEO of Fitzee Foods, Michelle Weinstein.




i just want to take a bite out of each one all at once!!! thanks a TON, Michelle.

Fitzee foods is based out of San Diego, but they ship all over the US.  they are making big waves in the health and fitness industry, so keep up with 'em:




you know what's next- product reviews coming your way bay-bay.


never get too comfortable and count your blessings daily, heck, hourly.  every chance you get.

fit foodie LEAN ebook update post to follow as i finally have a solid one to share!  thank you for your patience.

Q: do you practice yoga regularly? what does it do for you?
