get like me- i'm clump free!!

am i late??? i specifically didn't google this before posting so i wouldn't burst my own bubble.  i made some angel hair pasta night before last.  after draining the noodles and putting them back on the stove (still in the colander and inside the pot) i wondered what the heck else i could put on them so they wouldn't eventually clump together into one big mass by the end of our meal.

  • sure i could run water on them, but that'll wear off and they'll stick again...eventually.
  • sure olive oil enhances the flavor and lubes them up, but noodles are already calorie and carb loaded enough.  why add fat into the mix? remember that olive oil is 120 cals and 14 grams of fat (3 saturated) per ONE table-spoon.


spray some no-stick cooking spray on them.  the butter flavor doesn't hurt, either.  it felt like i was in a hair salon for a sec, but it worked SO well. 2-3 short sprays was all it took, and i only had to apply it once.

they had a pretty, shiny gloss to them.  now don't spray so much that your sauce doesn't stick to your noodles! if that even matters to you.

thought i would just throw that out there. you didn't know this already, stop it!


back to it

yesterday everything FOOD repulsed me!! although i certainly wouldn't mind, no, it's not what you think.  i'm guessing it was some crazy 24 hour bug because Sonny ate the same things i did the night before.  here's what we had:

sometimes i'll have a log of ground turkey that i have no idea what to do with.  so, i'll brown it up with some onions and shallots and throw in as many vegetables i can find.  i never had a name for it, but i recently read that what i've been making all this time is referred to as ragu. threw it over some pasta, sprinkled it with some cheese and avocado, and called it dinner.

the only thing i had to eat all day friday was the 6in. turkey subway sandwich my hubby brought home for me.  it stayed down, and i'm back to normal today. i took friday off from exercise as well, so i was anxious to get up and get moving this morning.  to the track!

i did one of my two fav running workouts.

'sprint the straights, walk the curves'.  i'm sure you've heard that track jargon before.  this is definitely a workout that a beginner can start with.  no track available?  you can also do this running through your neighborhood and use either a light pole or any  other landmark as your start and end points.  or, you could just could use a stop watch or count the 10, 15, or 20 seconds in your head as you sprint.  3 miles of that (12 laps) and i was toast. beginners, start with 1 mile and add on from there.  with anything, you get out what you put in. so SPRINT!!!  after all, it will be over in a couple of seconds.

Q: which is better, sprinting or long distance running?

totally depends on what your goal is, but for weight loss and/or maintenance, both.  fast or slow, your body will get use to whatever type of exercise you do no matter what. it's important to do a combination of speeds just to shock your body and keep your workouts different and exciting.


back to it

yesterday everything FOOD repulsed me!! although i certainly wouldn't mind, no, it's not what you think.  i'm guessing it was some crazy 24 hour bug because Sonny ate the same things i did the night before.  here's what we had:

sometimes i'll have a log of ground turkey that i have no idea what to do with.  so, i'll brown it up with some onions and shallots and throw in as many vegetables i can find.  i never had a name for it, but i recently read that what i've been making all this time is referred to as ragu. threw it over some pasta, sprinkled it with some cheese and avocado, and called it dinner.

the only thing i had to eat all day friday was the 6in. turkey subway sandwich my hubby brought home for me.  it stayed down, and i'm back to normal today. i took friday off from exercise as well, so i was anxious to get up and get moving this morning.  to the track!

i did one of my two fav running workouts.

'sprint the straights, walk the curves'.  i'm sure you've heard that track jargon before.  this is definitely a workout that a beginner can start with.  no track available?  you can also do this running through your neighborhood and use either a light pole or any  other landmark as your start and end points.  or, you could just could use a stop watch or count the 10, 15, or 20 seconds in your head as you sprint.  3 miles of that (12 laps) and i was toast. beginners, start with 1 mile and add on from there.  with anything, you get out what you put in. so SPRINT!!!  after all, it will be over in a couple of seconds.

Q: which is better, sprinting or long distance running?

totally depends on what your goal is, but for weight loss and/or maintenance, both.  fast or slow, your body will get use to whatever type of exercise you do no matter what. it's important to do a combination of speeds just to shock your body and keep your workouts different and exciting.
