YOU are a work in progress! Sunday Soror Shenanigans


hey, wassup, HELLO!  both my boy's birthday's have passed and my BFF is now happily, i'm officially back. life happened for the past 2 months and i'm not apologizing for it or anything, but i did kinda up and leave this space without saying a word, i know #noshedidnt #ya #shetotallydid. however, i hope you've been following me on Insta cause i'm definitely still active there, aaaaand i recently joined the awesomeness that is Periscope (fitfoodiele)!!! it was a bit scary at first (still is) as there is no editing, no filters, no nothing... just you and your camera, broadcasting live from your mobile device.  sometimes i have a plan...sometimes i do not... so luckily there is a delete option, haha.  anyway, i'm just having fun with it. i know i'm all about fitness and food 200% of the time, but there is so much more to LIFE and fit foodie le. some stuff i'd love to share, some stuff i'll gladly keep private.  i know people use social media for different things, but i have grown to stop taking it SO DANG SERIOUS!!!!! and let's not even start with the comparison crap (bodies, material things, status, etc) i mean really.  say this with me with conviction: 'God has big plans for ME and i am on HIS timeline.'


got it? believe it.


you know when you KNOW you need to go do something but keep avoiding it and making excuses every. single. chance. you get? for me, that thing was sprints. i have not run full speed in i don't know how long but i KNEW that's what would get my butt back into gear and rev up my workout motivation big time!  and well, they DID.  i've been eating clean as often as possible and sticking to my 6 Pack USA plan for the most part--->but<--- i have been walking a fine line (and going overboard more often than not) when there is an abundance of a particular food around (shrimp fried rice, cake, pizza......).  and um these past 2 months i've had plenty of all 3 with all these parties!  that's nothing new with me though. so, to keep things 'under control' and still enjoy those foods in moderation, i have to go out in the street or on the track and get uncomfy every now and then.  the trade off is always worth. i cooked up 400 cals in 30 min before heading to teach my Preggo Patties this past saturday morning!  a post on that is coming up soon:). here's the bad news-- because i hadn't ran so fast in so long, that all over itchy sensation tore my legs UP.  yep, it really is a 'thing' and there is a scientific explanation for it. ugh. i can't stand it though! has it ever happened to you?  only way to cure it though is to KEEP RUNNING, and keep working out. consistency, consistency, consistency.


my body responded immediately, so sunday morning i woke up (late) feeling SO good!  i got to put on this gorgeous H&M dress (that was the perfect shade of pink) and meet up with my Sorors for brunch. we are turning two on June 30th! skee wee!  we dined at North Italia and you know i have the pics to prove it.


we started with yogurt, granola, and berries for the table,


then, BRUCHETTA BABY!!!!!, (check out their menu for details)


and i got the egg white veggie scramble with fresh grated parmesan on the side (yes i had just eaten eggs at home for breakfast lol), smashed fingerling potatoes, and grilled sourdough bread.


we ordered french toast for Chiso and gaaaaaaah, it was as incredible as it looks.  


the 'food makes me happy!' dance! the fruit was a no-go for him though. twinsies <3


happy early anni to us!


 - pretty girls -


- AKAtch 22 -

i have a First Line Brands Dri Sweat Flex headband to give away in my next post, so get ready!

don't forget to follow me on Periscope and Insta ;)

Q: what food comes to mind when you hear the word BRUNCH? 


ABB 5k 2015 + consistency is your BFF


 go time!  i do believe this is the longest start line i've ever been in.


it took about 9 minutes just to get to the very front and start running! all that body heat kept us warm though.


 i left my house late (unsurprisingly) and with the street closures and all ended up parking pretty far.  i pretty much ran a dang 5k through downtown before the race started!  i don't ever pay for parking downtown if i can avoid it; i'd rather walk and just save a few bucks.  i was tempted this time though cause i didn't want to be late, but i made it, whew.


#atomicphotobomb & #selfiewhilerunning. the reason for that face is because i was contemplating that 24 min PR i set the night before!!!!


so i didn't find the white rabbit to follow but i DID find a black gorrilla. or whatever that was. i had to speed up to get this pic cause he was BOOKIN' IT.

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stats were posted tonight and my official time was 26:41!  i did set a PR of 24, but i'm thinking if i actually take the time to train correctly then maybe i'd actually hit it or come close smh! i love the challenge and i'm up for it.


done!  grateful to cross yet another finish line. i just can't get enough of that feeling.

2015-01-17_09.02.081so Sonny has been in Nigeria all week long for work and was supposed to touch down in Houston at 5am this morning. however, his flight was canceled and he had to hop on the next available one.  i sure would have loved to see him at the finish line, but i did find two of my gorgeous Sorors there, Ayesha and Crystal.  they are both doing the full marathon tomorrow; run hard ladies and good luck!!.


last shot before heading to catch the tail end of the boot camp class i teach with Brian every saturday.


adding to my medal and t-shirt collection!


after boot camp? a leg workout with my trainer, @showtimefitness of course!

 'what seems impossible today will one day become your warmup.' yes. i remember running my very first 5k a few years ago and not moving or lifting a finger afterwards for like 3 days straight! i was crazy tired & super sore and could have easily said 'screw running'and never did another race again. one of the hardest decisions we face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder. well, i chose the latter! how do you get better at something? DO IT MORE! no earthly idea how many 5 and 10ks (1 half mar) i've done since then but because i refused to quit, consistency had me up in the gym post-5k yesterday beasting through an intense full body workout with my trainer @showtimefitness. and you better believe there's a full marathon on my to-do list! just keep going. don't quit. consistency is key.


i actually love being trained as much as i love to instruct the trainings with my own clients!  Brian is awesome at what he does and i always learn more than a handful of things from him.


then... i headed to Luby's for dinner to celebrate. i can ALWAYS count on a great, tasty, healthy meal from there.  i don't care that the population is 80% senior-citizen per my husband!  i have so many childhood memories from Luby's. it was a sunday, after church staple for my family growing up.  anyway i got the salmon, steamed cabbage, seasoned carrots, pickled beets & cucumbers, and...... 20150117_161233_1 yes. THE BEST EVER. if you don't like mac n cheese we cannot be friends!!!!!!!! i earned it and i enjoyed every single bite.

WHAT big fitness goal have you set for yourself this year?



all pink everything

my sunday started with the usual breakfast (oat bran pancakes and egg whites) but this was my lunch:

PhotoGrid_1413675077991Weber Kick 'N Chicken grilled chicken breast and veggie stir fry using every fresh veggie i could find: mushrooms, yellow squash, asparagus, and red bell pepper.

i skipped church (but listened to the podcast later) and stayed home to finish getting things ready for my sister Michelle's  baby shower! this was a #sisterssquared production; something my other sis Kara and i like to refer to ourselves as!  as of may 17th of this year she officially became my sister-in-law as well as my Soror.  i had so much fun hosting with her.



cake batter rice crispy treats were requested so cake batter rice crispy treats were made! Sonny brought me back the super-duper jumbo size marshmallows from the store which didn't exactly melt aaaall the way down in the cooking process but i was totally OK with that. why? the clumps of ooey gooey marshmallow in the bars was an awesome touch in my opinion! recipeeeee: (fyi, this is definitely a treat that should be eaten in moderation, guys.)


Cake Batter Rice Crispy Treats

the stuff:

  • 5 cups rice crispy cereal (can use brown rice puffed cereal too)
  • 10 oz marshmallows
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup dry boxed yellow cake batter
  • 4 tbsp butter (i haven't tried any dairy-free alternatives in place of regular butter yet)
  • 1/4 -1/2 cup rainbow sprinkles

do this:

  1. coat the sides of  a large pot/saucepan as well as the pan you intend to press the rice crispy batter into
  2. melt butter in large pot/saucepan over medium heat
  3. add vanilla
  4. add marshmallows and cover; let melt for 1-2 minutes
  5. add cake batter & sprinkles and stir a few times to incorporate then immediately add cereal and KEEP STIRRING
  6. remove from heat and stir until all combined. be sure to scrape the sides of the pot really good
  7. pour batter into a rectangular or square pan and press down on the batter until even across the top
  8. add more sprinkles
  9. once cool (bout 10 min or so), cut in squares, bars, or however you'd like!

20141019_160354_1who remembers this drink? who still makes this drink lol!? rainbow sherbert and 7 Up (or Sprite, or natural ginger ale). the ugliest, tastiest party drink, ever. it's been a good while since i've had it, whew.


 Kara made the most adorable, pink cupcakes.CYMERA_20141019_232013

 and she also got another idea from Pinterest: mini strawberry shortcakes in a glass. aren't they beautiful(bottom right)!? there are cubes of light angel food cake, sliced strawberries, cool whip, and sprankles in there. SO.GOOD.


per Michelle's request: subway sammiches, shrimp fried rice, egg rolls, chicken meat pies, wings, and chips.

20141020_005606_1 happy shower day, Michelle! eviction notice goes into effect in 4 weeks (or less).  aaaand we can't wait to plan your shower, Kara! HAHAHAHAHA

thanks for reading.

Q: what's your favorite, indulgent party food?!


bam bam bam

after three big events three saturdays in a row:

brother's wedding

Chiso's birthday party

my baby shower

and birthday parties, graduations, etc. sprinkled in between, i'm ready to sit down and just be pregnant.  i don't even know how to do that but i've got 2.5 weeks left to figure it out.  and as soon as i do, Odego will just be like 'OOOOOH NO YA DON'T', so it's whatever!  just taking this thing one day at a time and enjoying solo time with my 1st born until ... it's time.  i gave today my best shot and ended up in Ikea pricing bunk beds with Chiso. and hey, i got this blog post in and even started packing my hospital bag, so i'd say it was a pretty productive day.

this past sunday was baby shower day! been looking forward to it ever since my sister-in-love Michelle offered to host one for me.  it's no secret that we're having another boy, and i saved so many of Chiso's things (mainly clothes) that i didn't even consider having another shower.  however, God knew what we forgot we needed and provided for us, as He promised.


after church and a family workout sunday morning, i went and got jazzy to the best of my abilities to celebrate this little ball of energy in my tummy.  bring on the belly rubs!!!!!!


the braids are back and so is the high bun! normally after 1 or 2 stores, i'm DONE with clothes shopping for the day, but i have my go-to dress places and usually find something super quick. sooo, imagine  how disappointed i was to walk into the Houston Galleria to find both Zara AND French Connection UK....closed!? (fyi Zara will reopen in October but i needed them RIGHT THEN!!!). wasted gas indeed. the next day i tried again closer to home and was ELATED to have found this coral Calvin Klein number in the first department store i visited.  that never happens. ok, not to me. i paired it with my nude Steve Madden pumps, some gold jewelry from Forever 21, and got up outta there.


i appreciate and humbly thank each and every woman who came to celebrate with me.  the Egwuatus take what we can get during the week, but sunday is family day for us. (and sometimes you just want to have a day to do your OWN thing, especially if your work week begins on the following day...i get it!) so when i have to be away from my boys for any reason, i'm always anxious to get right back to them. which means i understand completely when people shift their schedules and take time out of their day to come support, spend time with, and even bring unrequested gifts to and for someone else.... it means absolutely EVERYTHING to me.


   i thank my family, friends, & Sorors for simply being there. and for those belly rubs!!!!


a special, heartfelt thank you and BRAVO to my hostesses who did an amazing job putting everything together. my sisters:  Michelle, Ogechi, and Kara!


 aaand, i especially appreciated the gifts given to our 1st born, Chiso. how thoughtful!  just WOW. blessed beyond measure and i just want to thank God as it is all because of Him. all of it.

thanks for reading! 9 month update post coming right up.


P.S. YEP, i put my cooking classes on hold in prep for those 3 big weekends and since Odego will be here super soon, the classes will be back when i am! for now, let the hardcore nesting resume.